Learn the secrets of wandmaking and gain a powerful new tool for magical workings of all sorts. This enchanting, one-of-a-kind guidebook is for anyone who's ever wanted to know how magic wands work or longed to have a real magic wand of his or her own.
Ann Moura, the author of the popular Green Witchcraft series, is back with a new, one-of-a-kind spellbook on lunar magic. This is the only guidebook available that uses Mansions of the Moon correspondences to empower Esbat rituals and spellwork.
In Good Citizens, Thich Nhat Hanh lays out the foundation for an international solidarity movement based on a shared sense of compassion, mindful consumption, and right action.
In Thich Nhat Hanh’s latest teachings on applied Buddhism for both the work place and daily life, chapters include dealing with workplace scenarios; dealing with home and family; encounters with strangers and with daily life; transportation; and creating communities wherever you are.
How does one traverse the spiritual landscape to move beyond suffering to experience the peace and love of God, to transcend illusion and realize the state of enlightenment? In this collection of inspiring passages from David R. Hawkins's work, the reader is reminded of the illusory nature of the personal self
MIRACLES is a book that contains a distillation of wisdom borne through life experiences. Experiences that are common to us all. Sometimes we lose our way and are finding it difficult to see the good things in our life because we are overcome with hardship and might be feeling unhappy or don't know the way forward out of feeling this way.
One of the most famous tool for communication with spirit entities, the Ouija board was used by mediums in the XIX century and still remains one of the safest and easiest techniques to contact the spiritual plane. This board is not in wood but printed on cloth, over a 3mm base, so it´s much lighter, more resistant, and easier to carry around and store when not used.
A Greenpeace activist, Wiccan High Priestess, and proud Soccer Mom, Francesca Howell has been involved in magical traditions and wildlife preservation since childhood. In this one-of-a-kind book, she shares her everyday suggestions for spiritual renewal through connecting with nature.
Altar (noun): an elevated surface upon which one displays meaningful objects.
Any surface can become an altar. Geddes and Cunningham, with beautiful, inspirational photos and text that's both instructive and poetic, show us how. For women, they say, an altar can become a sacred space upon which to place symbols of her true self.
Eleanor Wiley and Maggie Oman Shannon have taken an ancient practice and made it new. A String and a Prayer recounts the history and symbolism of prayer beads, teaches basic techniques for stringing beads and a host of other objects into prayer beads, and offers a variety of prayers and rituals to use those beads on a daily basis.
Beads have appeared throughout history.
A heartfelt combination of spiritual discovery, environmental observations, and journal writing, The Wise Earth Speaks to Your Spirit offers readers a 52-week cycle of themed essays and related questions about the natural world. Entries on night and sky and parakeets, wind and mud and rain, snakes and tea and thistle, among others.
Nirvana is not to be found in the fulfillment of endless desires, the analysis of profound thoughts, or even hours, days, or years of meditative contemplation. In fact, it is the very act of seeking to obtain happiness, peace, and enlightenment that keeps them out of reach.