An in-depth study course from Buddhist nun Chdrn on awakening the qualities of love, compassion, joy, and the equanimity of an open heart--complete with practical exercises.
MANIFESTING GOD is a book about the principles of contemplative prayer - about the retreat into the inner room mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 6:6 where the individual is able to meet God. In this inner room the silent space where God unloads the burdens and false selves that govern our individuality and our daily lives God acts as a divine therapist healing us and forcing us to recognize how many ...
IN SPIRITUALITY, CONTEMPLATION & TRANSFORMATION, some of the leading practitioners of centering prayer - the contemporary expression of the Christian contemplative tradition as developed by the desert fathers and mothers and elaborated by mystics such as saints John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila - write about the many and varied benefits of this dynamic and intimate means of connecting with ...
In this searching study, Fr. O Madagain describes the life and thoughts of Fr. Thomas Keating, the Trappist monk who was one of the founders of the centering prayer movement. Centering prayer aims to reclaim the Christian contemplative and mystical traditions after centuries of neglect and to make it available for modern spiritual seekers. Fr.
Covering doctrine and the lived experience of the world's religious practitioners, CALL TO COMPASSION is a collection of stirring and passionate essays on the place of animals within the philosophical, cultural, and everyday milieus of spiritual practices both ancient and modern.
In this clear elucidation of the philosophy of animal rights, professors, Mylan Engel and Kathie Jenni, explore the fundamental outlines of the debate over our duties and responsibilities toward nonhuman animals.
Shows how a desecrated tomb in the Valley of the Kings holds the key to the true history of the destruction of Atlantis
• Reveals that Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings was designed not to keep intruders out, but to trap something inside
• Provides forensic evidence proving that the mask believed to be the face of Tutankhamun is actually that of his elder brother Smenkhkare
In Atlantis ...
"Alchemical Healing" brings together innovative techniques of shamanism and energetic healing with the principles of alchemy, creating a practical form of physical healing, therapeutic counseling, and spiritual growth
In his earlier book The Mystery of the Copper Scroll of Qumran Robert Feather analysed the Dead Sea Scroll engraved on copper that is considered the work of the secretive devout Jewish sect known as the Essenes who lived at Qumran around the time of Jesus.