Here are over forty first-person stories (contributors range from Surya Dass to Thich Nat Hanh to John F. Kennedy, Jr) that concretely demonstrate the dynamic power of compassion.
Brain Haycock was a cabdriver - who happened to be a Buddhist. During the course of his career as a cabdriver, he learned that each fare provided an opportunity to learn the life lessons of the Buddha.
So, hop in and buckle up; we'll be making several stops on this trip.
Beginning with Taking the Quantum Leap by Fred Alan Wolf, there have been a number of books that have created new paradigms for integrating science and spirituality. These books have been long on theory and short on application. This represents something completely different for this genre.
This is the perfect beginner's guide to Buddhism. Organised in an easy to use Question and Answer format, Manuel answers the many common questions people have about Buddhism, such as:
- "Do you have a book like the Bible or Koran?"
- "What do Buddhists believe?"
- "Are there core teachings?"
- "Do you believe in a god?"
- "Do some people have good karma and some bad?
Previously published as "Moments of Grace," this collection by the bestselling author of "Conversations with God" is comprised of stories of everyday folks who have experienced God touching their ...
Conversations with God for Teens reads like a rap session at a church youth group, where teenagers discuss everything they ever wanted to know about life but were too afraid to ask God. Walsch acts as the verbal conduit, showing teenagers how easy it is to converse with the divine.
From the mother of the Evolutionary Consciousness Movement, comes this unique manual for the emergence of the Universal Human. Visionary and futurist, Barbara Marx Hubbard, shows how we are all emerging into a new type of human connected through the heart to the whole of life, evolving consciously and helping to co-create a new and better world to live in.
This book organises hundreds of sayings attributed to Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and Lao Tzu into topics such as, "The Great Way" and God, Tao and Universal Mind" and assembles the sayings into four parallel columns for easy reference. Edited from over fifty ancient Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and Taoist texts, this book demonstrates the common thread that runs through all mystical traditions.
This is the world bible for mystics, with entries from hundreds of men and women saints from all ages and religions. This volume stresses the beauty of religious language and mystical experience, including hundreds of entries from the greatest poets and mystics of all time.
Included are selections from William Blake, Ramakrishna, Rumi, St.
This is a distinctly western take on the ancient tradition and practice of Zen Buddhism. Drawn from the archives of major Zen centres in America and interviews with some of the most seminal figures of American Zen, including Philip Kapleau, Bernie Glassman and Walter Nowick.
THE E.T. CHRONICLES grapples with the “big” questions such as “Who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here?” through a careful reading of world mythology. The authors organise these ancient stories into a chronology that starts with “in the beginning” and ends with the advent of civilisation in an effort to discover the true story of human origins.
Based on the author's real-life story of dying on a mountain, this enthralling book combines the thrills of a wilderness adventure with the awe inspiring elements of a paranormal novel.
In March of 1980, student, Peter Panagore. went ice climbing on the world-famous Lower Weeping Wall, along the Ice Fields Parkway in Alberta, Canada.
In this inspirational “how-to” book, Guideposts executive editor Rick Hamlin shares ten real-life ways of praying to God. He draws on the practical insight he has gained from the everyday men and women in the pages of Guideposts magazine and from his own lifelong journey in prayer.
He encourages readers to think of prayer as an ongoing conversation that God that should include everything.
Near-death experiences (NDEs) are common, well-documented and similar across cultures throughout the world. Current estimates are that between 4 and 15 percent of the world's population have had an NDE. Therefore, almost everyone has either had one or knows someone else who has had one.
The Rule of St. Benedict (the rule) arose from an era when a great civilization was threatened by violence, economic forces that favored the wealthy, political leaders that lacked the trust of the public, and rampant xenophobia. The events that occurred in sixth-century Rome were much those like on the nightly news.
Benedict was not a priest or religious official.
Taoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with universe. THE TAO OF WISDOM is filled with Taoist stories that are thousands of years old and express great wisdom by fusing anecdote with philosophy. While frequently humorous, ribald, irreverent, pithy, or sarcastic, the stories always speak to great and universal truths.
Growing numbers of people identify themselves as spiritual but not religious. HOW TO BE SPIRITUAL WITHOUT BEING RELIGIOUS is a book for those who seek a rich and authentic interior life, but find formal religious affiliation unappealing.
This is a book of guidance for life's journey rooted in the wisdom of ancient China. Best-selling author, Deng Ming-Dao, provides key poetic lines that distil the essence of Taoism, organising them in the form of a journey. The material here is drawn from three sources: The Tao Te Ching, The Yijing and 300 Tang Poems.
Deng Ming-Dao writes: “We walk the Way each day.
This is a book that draws on ancient Chinese wisdom to explore the critical life issues: What is our place in nature? How do we make right decisions? How do we respect the earth? How are we to view life and death? What is the path we should live to truly achieve a good and meaningful life?
For Deng Ming-Dao, the two entry points for this exploration are two words: ...