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Psychic powers and Spirit guides

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Developing Your Own Psychic Powers 6 CD Set

On this remarkable six-tape audio program, internationally acclaimed psychic medium John Edward brings you a wealth of information that will help you develop your own psychic powers.

Shamanic spirit - a practical guide to personal fulfillment

Those of us who live in our so-called 'advanced' nations of the modern world have been educated to use our minds and encouraged to satisfy our physical needs. But in so doing we have become isolated from the very essence of our existence as individuals - our own spirit.

Secrets of a medium - how to prepare yourself mentally, physically, and spi

This guide digs deeper into the role of mediums and the meaning of mediumship in our complex, rational world. This work is an advanced guide to mediumship, and explores death, the afterlife, and those realms beyond the mortal world.

Shamanic Experience: A Practical Guide To Psychic Powers (Wi

A guide to shamanic practices for those seeking to develop psychic powers. • Contains 19 practical exercises based on shamanic practices from around the world. • Includes 47-minute CD of shamanic drumming to induce meditative states of deeper awareness. • Written by the author of Earth Medicine and The Medicine Way.

Freeing The Captives: The Emerging Therapy Of Treating Spiri

Possession by Spirits.

Stories of spirit possession come to us from earliest recorded history. Modern science typically has looked on these reports as the product of ignorance and superstition.

Psychic development for beginners - an easy guide to releasing and developi

You possess a secret power that is just waiting to be harnessed—your natural psychic sense.