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Psychic powers and Spirit guides

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Why do bad things happen? - learning that there is nothing to fear but fear

In his work as a medium Gordon is constantly asked why a person had to die. Were they too good for this world? Did they go before their time? Why would a benevolent God let them suffer?

David wells complete guide to developing your psychic skills

David Wells has spent years exploring the subject of reincarnation and has been regressed many times in order to learn more about his own past lives.

How to develop your 7th sense

Most of us can have an idea of our intuition and the 6th Sense. Often we see things out of the corner of our eye or know who’s calling before we’ve picked up the phone, but little is known of how to take this skill further.

Conscious universe - the scientific truth of psychic phenomena

A preeminent parapsychologist's myth-shattering, mind-expanding manifesto, "The Conscious Universe" unveils the latest scientific proof of psychic phenomena, reveals the extent to which corporations, ...

Ghosts Among Us

The world-famous medium, "New York Times"-bestselling author, and co-executive producer of CBS's "Ghost Whisperer" shares his incredible gift of communicating with the dead.

We Are Not Alone: A Complete Guide to Interdimensional Cooperation

In the early 1990s, while working at the United Nations Development Programme in New York, Atala Dorothy Toy went through a near-death experience that took her on a journey and showed her a new way ...

Learning From The Light: Pre-Death Experiences, Prophecies & Angelic Messages Of Hope

John Lerma's best-selling book, Into the Light, inspired thousands of readers to discover not only what awaits us as we prepare to make our journey from earth to heaven, but, more importantly, how to ...

Developing mediumship

In his latest book, Gordon Smith - 'Hailed as the UK's most accurate medium' - teaches you how to develop your own abilities as a medium, with humour, warmth and skill. Using simple yet powerful exercises Gordon talks you through each stage of your journey to become a medium, teaching by example and including some of his most memorable and enlightening experiences.

Psychic Housewives' Handbook: How To Keep Your Feet On The Ground & Your Head In The Stars

"I'm a woman. I'm a mom. I'm a working mom. I'm a wife. I'm a psychic. I'm a psychic housewife. Hey, doesn't this sound like some woman empowerment song form the 80's? Anyway I have kids.

New Science Of The Paranormal: The Promise Of Psychical Research

Mainline science rejects the paranormal because it cannot be proven by the classical methods of controlled experiments. But sciences such as geology, astronomy, and anthropology also don’t rely on laboratory testing for repeatable results. Moreover, psi concerns consciousness, which is by definition non-quantitative.

Empowering your indigo child - a handbook for parents of children of spirit

Today, many believe that nearly 80 percent of all children born are indigos. These are exceedingly creative, high-energy, perceptive kids who often donat fit in. What sets this book apart from other books is that it approaches the issues facing indigos on a spiritual-energetic rather than purely cognitive level, and it is prescriptive, teaching a specially developed set of games that can help ...

Fusion Of The Eight Psychic Channels: Opening & Sealing The Energy Body

Fusion of the Eight Psychic Channels offers advanced Inner Alchemy exercises to prepare practitioners for the Practice of the Immortal Tao.

Power Of The Magdalene: The Hidden Story Of The Women Disciples

The long-awaited, compelling sequel of the best-selling book The Essenes - Children of the Light. What is the secret of Mary Magdalene s power? Who were the female disciples of jeshua? Did Jeshua and Mary Magdalene have a child? How can we understand the New Children now being born? What changes will the New Consciousness bring into our lives?

Enlightenment through orbs

Intended as an introduction and initiation to a worldwide fascination, this experiential tool draws its conclusions from the careful scrutiny of thousands of digital photographs containing orbs—visible proof of the presence of angels in the form of ghostly spheres.

Law of attraction in action - episode vi

More than 20 years ago, Esther and Jerry tapped in to an interdimensional voice that answered life’s most perplexing questions.

Shapeshifting With Our Animal Companions: Reconnecting With The Spiritual Awareness Of Animals

In SHAPESHIFTING WITH OUR ANIMAL COMPANIONS, Dawn Baumann Brunke moves beyond the “how” and “why” of animal communication presented in her earlier books to a profound journey of shared spiritual awareness.

Law of attraction in action - episode v

On this inspirational DVD program, Esther and Jerry Hicks present the teachings of the Non-Physical entity Abraham, whom Esther calls “infinite intelligence” and Jerry refers to as “the purest form of love I’ve ever encountered.”

Psychic Protection

PSYCHIC PROTECTION, the latest offering from Ted Andrews - the popular and prolific author of 25 books and audiotapes - is an outstanding consideration of all aspects of the psychic world, from spirit attachment and clairvoyance to psychic phone lines. This comprehensive guide takes the uninitiated seeker into the mysteries of the psychic world.