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Lost Realms : The Fourth Book of the Earth Chronicles

The Lost Realms, the fourth book of Zecharia Sitchin's Earth Chronicles series, transports readers to the pre-Columbian civilizations and ancient empires of the Americas, revealing hitherto unrecognized golden links between ancient Near Eastern civilizations and the "cities of the gods" of the Olmecs, Mayas, Aztecs and Incas.
€15.10 excl tax

Earth Chronicles Expeditions (Q)

In this autobiographical book, the internationally acclaimed author, Zecharia Sitchin, reveals the foundational research and the adventurous expeditions that resulted in his writing the bestselling Earth Chronicles series. Ranging from Mayan temples in Mexico to hidden artefacts in Istanbul, from biblical tunnels in Jerusalem to the mysteries of Mt.
€10.00 excl tax

Land Of The Fallen Star Gods : The Celestial Origins of Ancient Egypt

· Explains how the “spontaneous” appearance of Egyptian civilisation 5,000 years ago represents the remnants of an ancient worldwide advanced culture · Explores astrophysical, geophysical and anthropological evidence of forgotten civilisations beneath the Mediterranean and along the coast of northwestern Africa · Examines the mystical traditions and initiatory rituals ...
€12.20 excl tax

Mysterious Origins Of Hybrid Man : Crossbreeding and the Unexpected Family Tree of Humanity

· Shows there is no missing link because the human race, since day one, is the result of outright interbreeding among highly diverse types · Reveals multiple "Gardens of Eden"and how each continent has its own independent hominid lineages · Explains Homo sapiens' mental powers (the Great Leap Forward) and how we acquired the "blood of the gods", which endowed us ...
€15.10 excl tax

Soul of ancient egypt - restoring the spiritual engine of the world

· Explores the golden civilization of ancient Egypt and its system of natural magic that birthed the Western Mystery tradition · Examines each phase of Egyptian history from the Pharaonic period, through the Roman conquest, to the ongoing Islamization · Provides a revised portrait of the life of Muhammad, revealing his connections to the Essene tradition Imagine the paradise of ancient ...
€9.30 excl tax

Atlantis And The Coming Ice Age : The Lost Civilization - A Mirror of Our World

With the passing of the Mayan Calendar's end date, we can now focus on the true significance of what the Maya and their predecessors were trying to convey to future civilisations. Frank Joseph reveals how the Mayan prophecy, symbolised by their calendar, was created through the combined genius of Atlantis and Lemuria and predicts an eternal cycle of global creation, destruction and renewal.
€10.80 excl tax

Ancient alien ancestors - advanced technologies that terraformed our world

In the early 1970s, Nobel Prize-winning DNA co-discoverer, Sir Francis Crick and his colleague, Leslie Orgel, proposed that in the distant past, an extraterrestrial race sent a spacecraft loaded with microorganisms to seed the Earth with life.
€12.20 excl tax

Lost continent of pan - the oceanic civilization at the origin of world cul

· Shows how the Pan diaspora explains the similarities between Gobekli Tepe and Toltec carvings and stone towers in Japan and on Easter Island · Reveals the mother tongue of Pan hidden in shared word roots in vastly different languages, including Quechua, Sanskrit, Japanese, Greek, and Sumerian · Explains the red-haired Caucasian mummies of China, the Ainu of Japan, the presence of “white” ...
€12.90 excl tax

Ancient giants - history, myth, and scientific evidence from around the wor

From the Nephilim and Goliath in the Bible to the Titans in Greek mythology and the Fomorians and Frost Giants in Celtic and Nordic lore, almost every culture around the world has spoken of an ancient race of giants. Giant footprints left in the geological bedrock, tens of thousands of years old, have been discovered in India, China and the war-torn lands of Syria.
€9.30 excl tax

Cosmic womb - the seeding of planet earth

All ancient cultures link humanity's origins to the heavens. The Egyptians, for example, were adamant that their ancestors came from the stars of Orion and Sirius. Today, however, religion and science assert that life arose spontaneously here on Earth. Did the ancients know our true cosmic origins? Have they left us clues?
€12.20 excl tax

Power Places And The Master Builders Of Antiquity

Sharing his personal investigations into a wide range of ancient mysteries and paranormal enigmas in America and abroad, Frank Joseph takes us on a journey into the extraordinary strangeness of our world.
€10.00 excl tax

Shamanic Alchemy : The Great Work of Inner Transformation

Offering a unique, hands-on guide to advanced self-transformation, James Endredy shows how traditional shamanic techniques offer a doorway into the sacred art of alchemy, the inner transformation of the soul.
€10.80 excl tax

Our Cosmic Ancestry In The Stars

Mainstream consensus is that life arose on Earth spontaneously out of “primordial soup.” Yet this theory, as well as the Darwinian “survival of the fittest” concept as it relates to major steps in evolution, has no scientific basis or proof. Where, then, did life come from? As the authors show, with conclusive scientific evidence, life came from space - a concept known as “panspermia.
€7.90 excl tax

Field Guide To The Spirit World

We are spirits housed in a body and, just as houses can be haunted, so can people. When the living succumb to dissociative states of consciousness, they become a magnet for lost, but clinging, spirits. Known as jinn, dybbuk, daemon, wuqabi or simply, the undead, they hover unseen on the earthly plane, ready to inhabit the most suitable body available.
€12.20 excl tax

Transcendent Wisdom Of The Maya

Offering an insider's experiential account of ancient Maya spiritual wisdom and practices, initiated Maya shaman-priestess, Gabriela Jurosz-Landa, opens up the mysterious world of the Maya, dispelling the rampant misinformation about their beliefs and traditions, sharing the transcendent beauty of their ceremonies and explaining the Maya understanding of time, foundational to their spiritual ...
€5.40 excl tax

Murder Of Moses

The life of Moses, the greatest prophet of the Old Testament, has always been shrouded in mystery. The Bible mentions no witnesses to Moses' death, no funeral, and no indication of his burial place, and the story of Exodus paints a very contradictory picture of this man so important to both Judaism and Christianity.
€9.30 excl tax

Curanderismo Soul Retrieval

Drawing on her more than 20 years' experience working with present-day Mesoamerican curanderos/as and the ancient shamanic healing traditions of the Mexica and Maya, Erika Buenaflor provides a step-by-step guide for the curanderismo practice of soul retrieval.
€10.80 excl tax

Secret chamber of osiris - lost knowledge of the sixteen pyramids

After nearly 200 years of the pyramid-as-tomb theory, a growing body of evidence suggests the first 16 pyramids of ancient Egypt were not royal tombs, but nearly indestructible recovery vaults designed to revive civilisation after an anticipated major catastrophe, the Deluge of Thoth.
€10.80 excl tax

Mastery Of Awareness

€9.30 excl tax

Galactic Alignment: Transformation Of Consciousness Accordin

The Galactic Alignment is a rare astronomical event that brings the solstice sun into alignment with the centre of the Milky Way galaxy every 12960 years. Building on the discoveries of his book MAYA COSMOGENESIS 2012 Jenkins demonstrates that the end-date of 2012 does not signal the end of time but rather the beginning of a new stage in the development of human consciousness.
€12.20 excl tax