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Witchcraft and Wicca

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Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition

€15.60 excl tax

Faery Wicca Tarot Deck (83-Card Deck With Booklet)

This deck is based on the ancient Bardic system of understanding the universe, which is considered to be the shamanic roots of the Irish Faery-Faith, a pre-Christian, pre-Celtic spiritual tradition.
€14.50 excl tax

Pentacle journal

Blank journal, reporter style, 192 pages, 99x146 mm. Hardcover
€6.50 excl tax

Gothic unicorn journal

€6.50 excl tax

Green Witch's Oracle Deck

Embrace the power of the Green Witch with these 50 magical cards enhanced with wisdom green witchcraft. From the author of The Green Witch Arin Murphy-Hiscock, comes insight inspired by the grounding energy of a green witch, calling on the earth, the elements, and all the plants and flowers that green witches use in their practice.
€7.80 excl tax

Llewellyn Sabbats Almanac 2010 : Samhain 2009 To Mabon 2010

In this calendar you'll find helpful information on the full and new moon and major planetary influences for each holiday so you can easily plan rituals according to cosmic energies.

€7.50 excl tax

777 & other qabalistic wrtings

This edition includes Liber 777, Gematria (from Equinox Volume 1, Number 8). Introduction by Israel Regardie.
€17.40 excl tax

Goetia - the lesser key of solomon the king

Provides a clear and detailed account of the preparations and precautions necessary for the successful evocation of its 72 spirits, which are described in detail. Includes Crowley's "An Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic," his version of "The Bornless Ritual," Enochian translations of some of the Goetic invocations, an introduction, and notes.
€14.50 excl tax