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Awakening The Ancient Power Of Snake

Entwined with human consciousness since prehistoric times, Snake has always been associated with transformation - from the shedding of its skin to the rising of kundalini energy. In ancient times, Snake served as protector and advisor to gods, goddesses and royalty. But with the story of Adam and Eve, Snake became the enemy - a tempter and deceiver.
€12.10 excl tax

Quantum Science Of Psychedelics

In this ground-breaking book, Carl Johan Calleman reveals the quantum science of the Maya, a science lost to the modern world that explains the phenomenology of psychedelics and altered states of consciousness. The ancient Maya had a sophisticated understanding of the multidimensional nature of reality and the forces that drive the evolution of consciousness.
€12.90 excl tax

Animal Soul Contracts

Animal lovers are extraordinary. Despite awareness that we will probably outlive our beloved pets, we are still drawn, time and time again, to the connection, joy, and unconditional love that come with sharing our lives, homes, and laps with animals. Many of us feel something deeper than just companionship with our animal friends--a heart-to-heart connection felt all the way to the soul level.
€9.30 excl tax

Revelations Of The Watchers

During the angelic rebellion 203,000 years ago, which led to the quarantine of Earth and 36 other planets from the Multiverse, Georgia, an angel of Seraphic status, aligned herself with Lucifer and the rebel angels. After the rebellion, Georgia was permitted to remain on this planet and become a Watcher.
€12.90 excl tax

Petroglyphs Of Mu

While residing on the small Pacific island of Pohnpei in the 1990s, Carole Nervig discovered that a recent brush fire had exposed hundreds of previously unknown petroglyphs carved on gigantic boulders. This overgrown megalithic site, now called Pohnpaid, was unknown even to Pohnpei's state historic preservation officer.
€14.30 excl tax

Great pyramid hoax - the conspiracy to conceal the true history of ancient

· Includes evidence from the time of the discovery of the marks: Vyse's private field notes, surveys, facsimile drawings, and eye-witness testimony · Explains why Vyse was driven to perpetrate a fraud inside the Great Pyramid · Examines recent chemical analysis of the marks and high-definition photos to reveal errors and other anomalies within the forged Khufu cartouche Despite millennia ...
€9.30 excl tax

Sacred retreat - using natural cycles to recharge your life

All of life is interwoven into a living system of cycles, from Earth's seasons to the enzymatic pathways that provide energy to a cell. Waxing and waning from times of growth to times of rest, renewal and healing, cycles map the most auspicious time for everything in life. Both women and men have biological cycles of active growth and quiet renewal, led by our hormones.
€7.00 excl tax

Spirits in stone - the secrets of megalithic america

A ground-breaking study of ceremonial stone landscapes in Northeast America and their relationship to other sites around the world · Features a comprehensive field guide to hundreds of megalithic stone structures in northeastern America, including cairns, perched boulders, and effigies · Details the Wall of Manitou, the Hammonasset Line, landscape astronomy along the Hudson River, and a ...
€14.30 excl tax

Land Of The Fallen Star Gods : The Celestial Origins of Ancient Egypt

· Explains how the “spontaneous” appearance of Egyptian civilisation 5,000 years ago represents the remnants of an ancient worldwide advanced culture · Explores astrophysical, geophysical and anthropological evidence of forgotten civilisations beneath the Mediterranean and along the coast of northwestern Africa · Examines the mystical traditions and initiatory rituals ...
€12.10 excl tax

Revolt Of The Rebel Angels : The Future of the Multiverse

· Explores how the angelic revolt led to Earth's celestial quarantine for more than 200,000 years · Draws parallels between the Process Church and the Lucifer Rebellion - Describes the rise and fall of Lemuria in connection with the rebel angels · Reveals how the 100 million angels currently incarnated in human bodies can help with Earth's return to the Multiverse ...
€12.10 excl tax

Mysterious Origins Of Hybrid Man : Crossbreeding and the Unexpected Family Tree of Humanity

· Shows there is no missing link because the human race, since day one, is the result of outright interbreeding among highly diverse types · Reveals multiple "Gardens of Eden"and how each continent has its own independent hominid lineages · Explains Homo sapiens' mental powers (the Great Leap Forward) and how we acquired the "blood of the gods", which endowed us ...
€15.00 excl tax

Judas Of Nazareth : How the Greatest Teacher of First-Century Israel Was Replaced by a Literary Creation

Scholars have spent years questioning aspects of the historical Jesus. How can we know what Jesus said and did when Jesus himself wrote nothing? Can we trust the Gospels, written by unknown authors 40 to 70 years after Jesus' death? And why do other sources from the time not speak of this messianic figure known as Christ?
€12.10 excl tax

Dreaming With Polar Bears : Spirit Journeys with Animal Guides

Dreams speak to us on deep levels. Through dreaming we open a gateway to our inner world. Through lucid dreaming we open to conscious interaction with the surroundings, happenings and living beings within the dreamscape. Over many years, animal communicator, Dawn Baumann Brunke, dreamed of polar bears.
€8.60 excl tax

Soul of ancient egypt - restoring the spiritual engine of the world

· Explores the golden civilization of ancient Egypt and its system of natural magic that birthed the Western Mystery tradition · Examines each phase of Egyptian history from the Pharaonic period, through the Roman conquest, to the ongoing Islamization · Provides a revised portrait of the life of Muhammad, revealing his connections to the Essene tradition Imagine the paradise of ancient ...
€9.30 excl tax

Esoteric Egypt : The Sacred Science of the Land of Khem

In ESOTERIC EGYPT, J. S. Gordon reveals how the sacred science and wisdom tradition of ancient Egypt - the Land of Khem - stems from an advanced prehistoric worldwide civilisation. Examining the metaphysical structure of our universe as seen by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Celts, he shows that each tradition is merely a variation on the central concepts of the precession of the equinoxes and ...
€14.30 excl tax

Shamanic Alchemy : The Great Work of Inner Transformation

Offering a unique, hands-on guide to advanced self-transformation, James Endredy shows how traditional shamanic techniques offer a doorway into the sacred art of alchemy, the inner transformation of the soul.
€10.70 excl tax

Our Cosmic Ancestry In The Stars

Mainstream consensus is that life arose on Earth spontaneously out of “primordial soup.” Yet this theory, as well as the Darwinian “survival of the fittest” concept as it relates to major steps in evolution, has no scientific basis or proof. Where, then, did life come from? As the authors show, with conclusive scientific evidence, life came from space - a concept known as “panspermia.
€7.90 excl tax

Field Guide To The Spirit World

We are spirits housed in a body and, just as houses can be haunted, so can people. When the living succumb to dissociative states of consciousness, they become a magnet for lost, but clinging, spirits. Known as jinn, dybbuk, daemon, wuqabi or simply, the undead, they hover unseen on the earthly plane, ready to inhabit the most suitable body available.
€12.10 excl tax

Transcendent Wisdom Of The Maya

Offering an insider's experiential account of ancient Maya spiritual wisdom and practices, initiated Maya shaman-priestess, Gabriela Jurosz-Landa, opens up the mysterious world of the Maya, dispelling the rampant misinformation about their beliefs and traditions, sharing the transcendent beauty of their ceremonies and explaining the Maya understanding of time, foundational to their spiritual ...
€5.40 excl tax