Tellinger reveals how numerous, 200,000-year-old sites in South Africa perfectly match Sumerian descriptions of Abzu, the land of the First People - including the vast gold-mining operations of the Anunnaki from the 12th planet, Nibiru and the city of Anunnaki leader Enki.
Tracing their lineage back to King Solomon—the wisest man who ever lived— Rastafarians follow a spiritual tradition of peace and meditation that is more a way of life than an organised religion. During his 15 years living in Jamaica, Gerald Hausman developed deep friendships with Rastafarians and rootsmen, enabling him to experience firsthand the beliefs and traditions of these followers of the ...
Exploring emerging and suppressed evidence from archaeology, anthropology and biology, Frank Joseph challenges conventional theories of evolution, the age of humanity, the origins of civilisation and the purpose of megaliths around the world.
· Explains how Akhenaten was the last pharaoh entrusted with the
sacred and ancient alien knowledge of stargates, free energy and
antigravity technologies.
· Reveals how the Brotherhood of the Snake, a secret society of
reptilian aliens, sought to destroy Akhenaten and suppress the
sacred knowledge of the pharaohs.
Galactic teachings and practices to raise your vibrational energy and create a life of joy, abundance, and ease
* Provides direct transmissions of spiritual technology from the Council of Light to activate the 11 Rays of Light
* Reveals that by shifting your consciousness and raising your inner vibration, you can change your daily life experience and manifest the life you want
* ...
How do you find renewal after loss, especially the loss of a child? How do you find purpose and courage when loss is your constant teacher?
After weeks of profound grief following the loss of her young daughter, Sandra Corcoran found herself inexplicably at a life-changing workshop on indigenous teachings and energy healing.
When the first archaeologists visited Egypt in the late 1800s, they arrived in the eastern Nile Delta to verify the events described in the biblical Book of Exodus. Several locations believed to be the city of the Exodus were found but all were later rejected for lack of evidence.
A practical guide to connecting with plants through ceremony
• Explains how to commune with plants and their spirits through the traditional shamanic method of “plant dieting” to receive their teachings and guidance
People are afraid of conflict: it is something “bad” that must be managed and resolved. In the face of conflict we focus only on facts - who's at fault and who should be punished - rather than seeking to restore harmony. But conflict is inevitable and presents an opportunity to establish deeper connections with others.
Delving into one of the Virgin Mary's forgotten gospels, the Infancy Gospel of James, Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., reveals a truth that has been suppressed for nearly two millennia: that Mother Mary was not a passive bystander to her own pregnancy but an advanced member of a sacred order of women trained in divine conception.
Embraced worldwide as key spiritual teachers of our times, the Pleiadians are back, with another bold and controversial look at our highest purpose on Earth. Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Libraryis their handbook to inspired living, calling on us to restore and return value to the human being, and to recognize the Goddess energies and the power of blood as connections to our DNA and our ...
A direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. Through Amorah we are taught to open our “Ka Channels”, which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical ...
As an empath herself, Stephanie Red Feather has experienced first-hand the challenges of being extremely sensitive to subtle energies and the emotions of others. She knows that it can be overwhelming and cause you to lose yourself and doubt who you are.
· Reveals, step by step, the shamanic rituals and techniques to
prepare crystal homoeopathic elixirs to heal the waters of the
· Explains how to create a sacred water altar in your home for elixir
preparation as well as programme the crystals used with healing
Ravenwood explains how to create crystal homoeopathic elixirs using a sacred water altar ...
The Cuevas de los Tayos is a cavern complex in the Amazon rain forest of Ecuador. Named for the oil birds that reside within them, these caves have countless enigmas connected with them from the discovery of inexplicable architectural details to claims of curses and treasures to dangerous encounters with the indigenous people, the Shuar, for whom the caves are sacred.
The Akashic Records are a vast domain of energetic imprints much like a film library, a living vibrational field that stores all possible futures, the present and the past. As soon as your soul begins its life experience, a field of energy is released that records every thought, word, action, desire and emotion. In this guide to opening the Akashic Records, Maureen St.
Since the earliest times, healing has been regarded as one of our most esteemed spiritual practices. Yet no one has ever clearly defined the inner experience of the healer/therapist during the healing moment.
Divine transmissions of light codes to activate hidden keys to conscious evolution within your soul
• Transmitted to Danielle Rama Hoffman by Thoth, keeper of the Akashic Records and member of the Council of Light