God Talks With Arjuna, Paramahansa Yogananda's illuminating translation of and commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, is one of the most comprehensive books available today on the science and philosophy of ...
Paramahansa Yogananda - author of the bestselling classic "Autobiography of a Yogi" - delves into the deeper meaning of the Bhagavad Gita's symbology, and sheds a fascinating light on the true intent ...
A collection of sayings, anecdotes, and words of wisdom—Paramahansa Yogananda’s candid and loving responses to those who came to him for counsel. These brief vignettes offer the reader an opportunity to share in these personal conversations and experiences with him. Shining from every page are his compassionate understanding of humanity and his deep love for God.
· Explains Shiva's contradictory forms, such as destroyer or
benefactor and how his form depends on the needs of the
· Reveals how Shiva's teachings allow one to see through the
illusions at the root of all grief and alienation in human life
· Explores Shiva's relationships with Durga, Shakti, Sati
and Parvati and with his sons Ganesha and Kartikeya
Shiva, ...
"Snakes and Ladders", the popular children's game, is derived from the ancient Hindu game Leela, or Snakes and Arrows, which charts the ups and downs of the soul's path toward reunion with the Infinite. Snakes and Arrows was designed by the seers and saints of India as a tool for understanding the relationship of the individual self to the Absolute Self.
Enlightenment means becoming a light unto yourself. But how does one get on the path to enlightenment? In this practical spiritual guide, Simon Chokoisky shares 11 time-tested, yet simple, daily techniques to help you find your spiritual path or “dharma,” no matter what your spiritual background - be it Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or Agnostic.
Drawing on the original Sanskrit words of the great poet Valmiki, enhanced with tales from the oral tradition, Vanamali retells the complete Ramayana, the ancient Indian tale of love, duty and sacrifice, for a modern audience.
Called “the scientists of Hinduism,” the rishis of ancient India were the scribes of the Vedas. They developed the spiritual science of Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma, as their way of ensuring the constant renewal and progress of India's spiritual tradition and culture. Sanatana Dharma permeates every aspect of Hindu culture, from religion to the arts to the sciences.
A vivid journey back to the time of Krishna, his holy city, and the Mahabharata War
· Recounts ecstatic celebrations, Krishna's love for his wives and sons, and events surrounding the Mahabharata War
· Offers potent spiritual lessons from Krishna's teachings and stresses Krishna's ability to contain all opposites and stand above duality
· Provides a historical timeline and real dates for the ...
In 1975, in an isolated Himalayan forest, Daniel Odier met Lalita Devi, a Tantric yogini who took him on a mystical journey beyond the limits of sexual experience to transcend the ego, recognize the true self, and rediscover the Divine nature of absolute love.
Kriya yoga is an ancient meditation technique that focuses on breathing and the spine to unlock deep states of awareness, self-realization, and spiritual growth. Kriya can provide a fast path to awakening, yet its practice has been shrouded in secrecy, passed only from master to initiate for millennia.
Meditation is a subject of universal interest, practised by seekers of all traditions on the quest for serenity, peace and blessedness. Among the many traditions of meditation in Hinduism, Yoga and Vedanta have passed the test of time, proving as vital today as they were throughout the ages in helping seekers overcome the maladies of life and attain the greatest spiritual fulfilment.
Related with simplicity and sincerity, the anecdotes in this firsthand account detail author Renata Caddy's experiences with Babaji, an eternal being and figure in Indian spirituality.