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Our mission is three-fold.

  • To publish and promote books that entertain, provoke, inspire, comfort, and educate.
  • To seek out independent authors of diverse backgrounds and varied points of view who believe in the power of the human species to evolve for the better.
  • To support those authors as they write that evolution into existence.
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Visions of the pylons - a magical record of exploration in the starry abode

Here is a modern grimoire and record of a vision quest utilising Aleister Crowley's instructions for astral exploration as given in “Notes on the Astral Plane,” published in Magick in Theory and Practice. Daniel Gunther provides a detailed account and interpretation of a series of visions exploring the Pylons of the Duat or “Starry Abode.
€21.80 excl tax

One Truth And One Spirit

Based upon academic research at the University of Amsterdam's Centre for the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, ONE TRUTH AND ONE SPIRIT is a much-needed work that covers a previously unexplored history of the modern religious movement known as Thelema. This work details the theoretical framework of Aleister Crowley's spiritual legacy in the O.T.O.
€19.00 excl tax

In The Cards

In collaboration with a Scotland Yard detective, who is, also, a Freemason, Frances Yates, eminent historian of Renaissance spirituality and proponent of martyred priest, Giordano Bruno, employs her unique scholarship to solve a murder and the theft of a rare volume in the renowned musty library of ancient philosophical traditions, where she has long been a resident scholar.
€10.90 excl tax

Torah And Nondualism

TORAH AND NONDUALISM is a commentary on the Torah or Pentateuch, meaning “five books,” written in the form of five essays - one for each book. It reconciles modern biblical scholarship with the Jewish hermeneutical techniques recorded in the Zohar and shows that the meanings these interpretive techniques reveal are so consistent and illuminating throughout the Bible that they must have been ...
€19.00 excl tax

Secret Temple

This is a unique history of Masonry written from the perspective of an educated outsider. The author is sympathetic to Masonic goals, a historian of secret societies and political conspiracies, and an exhaustive researcher. He looks back to the earliest roots of the Craft, and then traces its influence into modern times.
€11.90 excl tax


In NAVIGATING THE FINANCIAL UNIVERSE, financial astrologer, Christeen Skinner, who forecasted the global financial crisis in her original work published in 2004, builds on her reputation for successful financial forecasting. She identifies periods of challenge and suggests ways in which these might be negotiated.
€12.50 excl tax


In June of 1979, the author flew to Chile - then under martial law - to investigate claims that a mysterious colony and torture centre in the Andes Mountains held a key to the relationship between Nazi ideology and its post-war survival on the one hand and occult ideas and practices on the other. He was detained there briefly, and released with a warning: “You are not welcome in this country.
€15.70 excl tax

Astrology's Higher Octaves : New Dimensions of a Healing Art

This book illustrates the power of astrology to facilitate emotional healing, aid the lives of couples and families, guide career development and promote focus and purpose in daily life. ASTROLOGY'S HIGHER OCTAVES combines therapeutic astrology, the astrological study of relationships, vocational astrology, archetypal psychology, dreamwork and the synthesis of astrology and music.
€12.50 excl tax

Hasan-I-Sabah : Assassin Master

Hasan-i-Sabah was born in northern Persia around 1050 and died in 1124. He was an Ismaili missionary (or dai) who founded the Nizari Ismailis after the usurpation of the Fatimid Imamate by the military dictator of Egypt. It may be said that Hasan founded and operated the world's most successful mystical secret society, while building a political territory in which to maintain his independence.
€19.00 excl tax


RATLINE is the documented history about the mechanisms by which thousands of other Nazi war criminals fled to the remotest parts of the globe--including quite possibly Adolf Hitler. It is a story involving Soviet spies, Nazi priests, and a network of Catholic monasteries and safe houses known as the rat line.
€12.50 excl tax

In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 1966-1989

In this daring exposé by a survivor of a unique era in the New York occult scene, James Wasserman, a longtime proponent of the teachings of Aleister Crowley, brings us into a world of candlelit temples, burning incense and sonorous invocations.
€19.00 excl tax

Planetary Aspects : An Astrological Guide to Handling Your T-Square

A classic back in print, PLANETARY ASPECTS is one that every astrologer would choose on their shortlist for their own library and a great tool for all levels of astrological practice. This comprehensive work focuses on the most challenging dynamics of the birth chart.
€10.90 excl tax

When The Dragon Wore The Crown : Center and Circle Putting Starlight Back into Myth

When our ancestors gazed upon the skies thousands of years ago they looked up into the centre of Creation and saw a mighty Dragon, a great celestial serpent with wings circling ceaselessly above them, night after night, century after century.
€14.70 excl tax

Planetary Threads : The Living History of Family Dynamics in our Patterns of Relating

Lynn Bell's innovative exploration of the patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviour which run back through generations is enhanced by her unique adaptation of the genogram (a map utilised in family therapy) highlighting particular planetary placements and aspects that recur in families.
€11.90 excl tax

Dark lord - h.p. lovecraft, kenneth grant and the typhonian tradition in ma

One of the most famous – yet least understood – manifestations of Thelemic thought has been the works of Kenneth Grant, the British occultist and one-time intimate of Aleister Crowley, who discovered a hidden world within the primary source materials of Crowley's Aeon of Horus. Using complementary texts from such disparate authors as H.P.
€19.00 excl tax

Hitler legacy - the nazi cult in diaspora: how it was organized, how it was

Peter Levenda has returned to his quest for the truth about the genuine character of the Nazi cult and the people and political movements it has influenced in the decades since the end of World War Two.
€14.70 excl tax

Angel & the abyss - the inward journey

In 1904, The Book of the Law declared the advent of a new period in the course of human history - the Aeon of Horus or Aeon of the Child. The doctrine codified in the Book of the Law and numerous other Holy Books, is known as Thelema and Aleister Crowley was revealed as the Prophet of the New Aeon. In this companion to Initiation in the Aeon of the Child, now available in paperback, author, J.
€21.80 excl tax

Managing The Mind : A Commonsense Guide to Patanjali's Yogasutra

The famed Yogasutra of Patanjali has stood the test of time. It is the most famous and important instructions in the field and, at the very least, it dates back 2,000 years and probably more. Sutra means “thread.” The term refers to a tightly condensed statement.
€10.90 excl tax

Tantric Alchemist Hb : Thomas Vaughan and the Indian Tantric Tradition

In the 17th century the Welsh alchemist, Thomas Vaughan, and his wife and alchemical partner, Rebecca, died under mysterious circumstances. What they were doing and how it might have led to their deaths has remained a secret - even though the true nature of their experiments is described in code in Vaughan's published works.
€19.00 excl tax

Shakespeare And The Stars : The Hidden Astrological Keys to Understanding the World’s Greatest Playwright

To celebrate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, this book offers fresh and exciting insights into the ever-popular works of the world's greatest playwright. It specifically highlights Shakespeare's use of the archetypal language of astrological symbolism in both obvious and subtle ways.
€16.30 excl tax