Proponents of human exceptionalism claim that only humans possess certain morally significant capacities, and as a result are entitled to be treated better than members of all other species. In the last fifty years, scientists have discovered how these capacities are shared by other species, which only raises the questions of how and why we evade responsibility for inhumane behaviour, not only to ...
For fifty years, both as a combat veteran, police officer, and trainer for law enforcement and the military, Charles “Sid” Heal has devoted his time to limiting the occasions for catastrophic loss of life and to defusing potentially explosive, life-endangering situations. He has written on de-escalation tactics (Sound Doctrine: ...
In 1993, Jim Mason, journalist, advocate, and pioneering figure in the contemporary animal advocacy movement, published An Unnatural Order - a sweeping overview of the origins of our hatred and destruction of the natural world and its creatures, from the dawn of agriculture to the present day.
THE COWGIRL AND THE RACEHORSE offers a moving, intimate, and richly descriptive memoir on the relationship between a girl and her horses. Beginning with a traumatic horse-riding accident, Wells reflects on the personalities and characters of the many horses—both real and fictional—who have accompanied her through often difficult life experiences, teaching her strength, resilience, discipline, ...
“The beginning of grief is overwhelming. Everything must stop as you attempt to absorb what has happened, which is impossible. You cannot fathom it. There is little to no comprehension at first. Instead, a pervasive numbness descends over your mind, body, and soul.”
In the space of eleven months, Jennifer Flowers' husband of thirty-three years died as did their son, Jonpaul.
“If it is true that one knows oneself best by observing how one treats others then this book of poems by Gretchen Primack is essential reading. Read these poems for the truth they tell about our relationship to and treatment of the creatures we take to be our property; read this book and ponder its many questions, for example 'Who are the beasts?' and 'What can I do?
In the summer of 2019, artist and poet Linnea Ryshke worked as a labourer at an organic meat farm. She transformed what she saw, as well as the specific and acute interactions she had with the animals, into a series of poems, photographs, and artwork. Linnea's intimate, honest, and poignant experience reflects what it means to confront the lives and deaths of individual creatures under your care.
ANTIRACISM IN ANIMAL ADVOCACY is a collection of writings by farmed animal protection advocates who are committed to exploring and prioritizing racial diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as they work to create a more just animal protection movement. The essayists were all attendees of the 2020 inaugural Encompass DEI Institute.
FIELD COMMAND is a first of its kind: a full-length tactical science textbook focused specifically on crisis situations faced by the law enforcement community. Expanding on the groundbreaking work done in Charles "Sid" Heal's Sound Doctrine: ...
For four years, from January 2017 to January 2021, writer and publisher Martin Rowe documented the state of the United States and the world—using the verse form of ottava rima. In June 2019, he dedicated thirty of those verses to two compelling and distressing photographs of animals in extremis taken by Canadian photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur.
Why should one go vegan? Is veganism the positive change the world needs? VEGAN VOICES is a comprehensive collection of compelling testimonials about how our food choices are deeply connected to the pressing challenges and issues of our time.
Veganism as an ethics and a practice has a recorded history dating back to antiquity. Yet, it is only recently that researchers have begun the process of formalizing the study of veganism. Whereas occasional publications have recently emerged from sociology, history, philosophy, cultural studies, or critical animal studies, a comprehensive geographical analysis is missing. Until now.
Verena Brunschweiger is no stranger to controversy. In her latest book, DO CHILDFREE PEOPLE HAVE BETTER SEX?, our provocateur tackles this increasingly popular topic, and its many ramifications, head on. After conveying her own personal story, Brunschweiger espouses with data in hand on the implications of having children or not: ...
Systems of oppression function by exploiting the most vulnerable amongst us. Where these oppressive systems overlap, the victims are pitted against one another. Slaughterhouses provide a particularly brutal example, wherein speciesism, capitalism, and carcerality intersect at the expense of their collective victims.
Colin Greer knows a lot about a lot. His rich life as an educator and author/playwright, emersed in the social and political justice trenches, is reflected in his latest poetry book alongside his wordily wisdom. The author muses on the human condition through verse, taking the lucky reader through the ordinary, the personal, the sublime, and tragic alike.
GABRIEL is a beautifully illustrated and engaging story of a young girl named Claire and her rescued veal calf named Gabriel. Claire grew up in a time when people turned off their feelings toward animals and ignored the damage being done to our planet. Mother Nature sent a warning to the adults as the climate changed and a deadly virus engulfed humankind.