Every astrologer preparing accurate birth charts needs the information in this book. It is widely recognized in its classic livery as a proven record of reliability and accuracy. Raphael's Ephemeris should be displayed in every astrology outlet, general bookshop and mind, body, spirit outlet for maximum sales.
Each chapter explains the different types of psychic gifts we have within us, and includes exercises and meditations that will help you strengthen your hidden psychic talents; understand your connection to angels and spirit guides; identify signs from above; and understand how to work with psychic circles.
In a society where unconscious bias, microaggressions, institutionalized racism, and systemic injustices are so deeply ingrained, healing is an ongoing process. When conflict and division are everyday realities, our instincts tell us to close ranks, to find the safety of our own tribe, and to blame others.
Lichtenstein's and Aziz's personal journeys of awareness and spiritual growth have fueled their desire to reach out and share what they have learned in the hope that it can provide an opening for ...