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Earth power

The ways of magic are revealed in nature . . . The secrets are written in meandering streams and drifting clouds, whispered by the roaring ocean and cooling breeze, echoed through caves and rocks and forests.

Journey of souls - case studies of life between lives

This remarkable book uncovers--for the first time--the mystery of life in the spirit world after death on earth. Dr. Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist in private practice, has developed his own hypnosis technique to reach his subjects' hidden memories of the hereafter.

Moon Magick: Myth & Magic, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells

In this enduring classic, bestselling author D.J. Conway explains how each of the 13 lunar months is directly connected to a different type of seasonal energy flow.

Hildegard's Healing Plants

Medieval saint, mystic, healer, and visionary-Hildegard von Bingen has made a comeback. She is now popular in natural healing circles, in medieval and women's studies, and among those interested in investing the everyday with the spiritual.

Celtic Sex Magic : For Couples Groups and Solitary Practitioners

The first written account by a contemporary Welsh initiate of the ancient tradition of sex magic as practiced by generations of Celtic druids. • Reveals authentic, accurate, and fully illustrated instructions. • Provides detailed instructions for crafting, purifying, and energizing all the necessary ritual tools. Sex magic is an important component of Celtic spiritual practice.

The Illustrated Beast: The Aleister Crowley Scrapbook

Who was Aleister Crowley? Magus, poet, sexual athlete, mountaineer, traitor, drug fiend, and Prophet of a New Aeon - he has been described as all these things. Dubbed "The Wickedest Man in the World" by the British press, Crowley and his story have captured the imagination of occultists, rock stars

Old souls - compelling evidence from children who remember past lives

For nearly seven decades psychiatrist Dr. Ian Stevenson has been travelling the world, tracking reports of children who claim to have lived before. Spontaneously they will recall vivid details about complete strangers who died before they were born, people they say they once were. And when the memories are checked against the facts of real lives, they match to an astonishing degree.

Destiny of souls - new case studies of life between lives

A pioneer in uncovering the secrets of life, internationally recognized spiritual hypnotherapist Dr. Michael Newton takes you once again into the heart of the spirit world.

Palm Reading for Beginners: Find Your Future in the Palm of Your Hand

Palm reading is a lot easier than you may think. No cards, no coins, no charts of the planets-just a hand and the knowledge in this book.

Spontaneous Healing

The body can heal itself. Spontaneous healing is not a miracle but a fact of biology--the result of the natural healing system that each one of us is born with.

Chakras for beginners - a guide to balancing your chakra energies

Chances are you've heard of the chakras. They're those spinning vortexes of energy associated with places along the spine. But you might be wondering, "What are they good for?" If you've ever had that question, you need Chakras for Beginners. This book is filled with exercises and meditations that will allow you to balance out the energy in each of your chakras.

Wheels of life - users guide to the chakra system

Many people focus on a single chakra - like the Crown Chakra for Spirituality, the Brow Chakra for Psychic Powers, the Heart Chakra for Universal Love, the Solar Plexus for Power (especially for those into the martial arts) and so on - each chakra's special attribute. And some people try to repress the 'lower' chakras as morally bad.

Love In Palm Of Your Hand : How to Use Palmistry for Successful Relationships

A practical illustrated guide to finding meaningful relationships through the art of palmistry • Hundreds of illustrations allow you to compare the palms of friends and loved ones to different personality types to see how compatible you are • Includes a palm print kit allowing you to print your palm for accurate readings The lines of our palms are like continuous printouts of our ...