A twelfth-century German Benedictine abbess, Hildegard of Bingen is widely regarded as one of the true pioneers of holistic medicine and natural healing, developing concepts that were ahead of their time.
Here is a fascinating collection of traditional Celtic stories to amaze and entertain you. Animal tricksters, boasters, and heroes all dwell herein, set amidst the dazzling universe of Celtic lore. Now you can use these archetypes of the shamanic tradition help you in your own life today.
In this beautiful package readers will find all they need to consult the time-honoured I-Ching oracle to find love, understand relationships and mend friendships. Based on the eight natural laws (or energies) of the I-Ching – heaven, earth, water, thunder, mountain, wind, lake and flame – this divination system offers guidance and emotional insight into personal relationships.
Connection with self, body, and universe is essential to mindful practice - and yet we often struggle to make time to reconnect with ourselves. There are times for realism, and there are times for our imagination to take hold. The Metaphysical Cannabis Oracle Deck is designed to help you tap into your intuition, encouraging reflection and opening the third eye through herbal healing.
Engaging and genuinely helpful book of pagan spells to relieve modern anxiety and reduce stress, by the author of The Wheel: A Witch's Path Back to the Ancient Self.
The modern world has pushed many of us to breaking point. Our bodies and minds were not designed for constant notifications, emails, meetings and commuting.
Discover powerful change with crystal grids and rituals. Nicola McIntosh guides beginners to experts, unveiling manifesting keys, chakra wisdom, and geometric intention-setting. Reconnect with source, enhance intuition, and master true transformation. Co-create for self-care, earth healing, and soul purpose. Crystal Grids offers a unique path to the future of healing
Amplifying the core spiritual teachings of The Urantia Book—a unique and thrilling revelatory book first published in 1955—this guide introduces the two central deity-personalities of the Urantia revelation: Christ Michael—Jesus—and his feminine, coequal consort, Mother Spirit.
Featuring body outlaws, endangered cultures, and anti-colonial belief systems, THE NEXT WORLD TAROT envisions a world where justice relies on respect and revolutionary love.
The NEXT WORLD TAROT is a visual spectacle of both the battle cry and the re-connection between outcasts and their criminalized identities.
This set includes 78 shuffle-friendly Tarot Cards at the standard 2.5" x 3.5" size.