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Mysticism, Alchemy and Magic

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Occult paris - the lost magic of the belle epoque

During Paris's Belle Époque (1871–1914), many cultural movements and artistic styles flourished - Symbolism, Impressionism, Art Nouveau, the Decadents - all of which profoundly shaped modern culture. Inseparable from this cultural advancement was the explosion of occult activity taking place in the City of Light at the same time.
€17.80 excl tax

American freemasonry - its revolutionary history and challenging future

Freemasonry bears the imprint of the society in which it exists and Freemasonry in North America is no exception. While keeping close ties to French lodges until 1913, American Freemasonry was, also, deeply influenced by the experiences of many early American political leaders, leading to distinctive differences from European lodges.
€17.80 excl tax

Traditional magic spells for protection and healing

Since the beginning of history, people have sought remedies for the many ills that have beset them, from illnesses afflicting the body to threats posed by evil and hostile individuals. In many folk healing and pagan traditions, it was believed that one must gain the assistance of the guardian spirit of a healing plant or substance through prayers or offerings before its chemical properties would ...
€16.20 excl tax

Deconstructing Gurdjieff Hb : Biography of a Spiritual Magician

In November 1949, architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, announced the death of “the greatest man in the world,” yet few knew who he was talking about. Enigmatic, misunderstood, declared a charlatan and recently dubbed “the Rasputin who inspired Mary Poppins,” Gurdjieff's life has become a legend. But who really was George Ivanovich Gurdjieff?
€17.80 excl tax

Jerusalem parchment - a kabbalists search for an esoteric map in the time o

Set in the 13th century, this sweeping historical novel opens on the island of Torcello, outside Venice, in 1219, after the Crusaders have lost possession of Jerusalem. Yehezkel, a young yet revered kabbalist and student of Maimonides, is on the island for a secret meeting of rabbis.
€12.10 excl tax

Spiritual Meaning Of The Sixties

No decade in modern history has generated more controversy and divisiveness than the tumultuous 1960s. For some, the '60s were an era of free love, drugs and social revolution. For others, the Sixties were an ungodly rejection of all that was good and holy.
€18.50 excl tax

Introduction To Magic, Volume Ii

The “Gruppo di UR” was a group of Italian esotericists who collaborated from 1927 to 1929. The purpose of this group was to study and practise ancient rituals gleaned from the mystery traditions of the world, both East and West, in order to attain a state of superhuman consciousness and power to allow them to act magically on the world.
€17.80 excl tax

Fraternitas Saturni

The most influential magical group in Germany during the 20th century, the Fraternitas Saturni or Brotherhood of Saturn, is still the most active and important magical society in Germany today. But from its formal beginnings in 1926 in Weimar Berlin until around 1970 it was almost totally secret.
€10.70 excl tax

Introduction To Magic, Volume Iii

The "Gruppo di UR" was a group of Italian esotericists who collaborated for three brief years, from 1927 to 1929. The purpose of this group was to study and practice ancient rituals and procedures they gleaned from the mystery traditions of the world, both East and West, in order to attain a state of superhuman consciousness and power that would allow them to act magically on the world.
€17.80 excl tax

Return of odin - the modern renaissance of pagan imagination

A controversial examination of the influence and presence of the Norse god Odin in contemporary history and culture · Documents Odin's role in the rise of Nazi Germany, the 1960s counterculture revolution, nationalist and ecological political movements, and the occult revival · Examines the spiritual influence of Odin in relation to Jesus Christ · Profiles key individuals instrumental in the ...
€12.10 excl tax

Elemental Magic

€9.30 excl tax

Runic Book Of Days

The Old Norse runes, known as the Elder Futhark, have long joined forces with the cycles of the seasons to offer powerful initiations, guidance and wisdom. Aligning the sacred festivals, plantings and harvests of ancient runic calendars with our modern 12-month calendar, Kelley Harrell reveals how the runes can once again offer initiations as well as instruct us on the holy days and creative ...
€9.30 excl tax

Aleister Crowley In India

Early in life, Aleister Crowley's dissociation from fundamentalist Christianity led him toward esoteric and magical spirituality. In 1901, he made the first of three voyages to the Indian subcontinent, searching for deeper knowledge and experience. His religious and magical system, Thelema, shows clear influence of his thorough experimental absorption in Indian mystical practices.
€18.50 excl tax

Instructions For Spiritual Living

No matter where we are in our spiritual development, we all have questions about our practice and what we are experiencing - both the challenges and opportunities. How can I overcome my struggles to meditate more deeply? Is there a need for a guru or can I rely on myself? Can I trust my intuition?
€9.30 excl tax

Enneagram Of Eating

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to adore food, while others find eating simply a need? Why some people just love to work out and others absolutely abhor anything to do with physical exercise? Why some love entertaining, while others would rather spend a quiet evening alone?
€9.30 excl tax

Operative Witchcraft

In this practical guide, Nigel Pennick takes the reader on a journey through the practice of operative witchcraft in the British Isles from the Middle Ages and the Elizabethan era to the decriminalisation of witchcraft in the 1950s and its practice today.
€9.30 excl tax

Russian Black Magic

Born in the Soviet Union and descended from a matrilineal line of witches, Natasha Helvin offers a rare look into the secret practices of Russian black magic, passed down from teacher to disciple for generations, both orally and through their grimoires bound in black.
€9.30 excl tax

Magic In The Landscape : Earth Mysteries & Geomancy

Our ancestors were deeply aware of the magical power of their local landscape, no matter where they lived. Every interaction with their environment from building to farming to the layout of ancient cities took into account terrestrial energies, ancestral memory and the many seen and unseen presences in Nature.
€9.30 excl tax

Fall Of Spirituality

Written two years before his most prominent book Revolt Against the Modern World, Julius Evola's THE FALL OF SPIRITUALITY was originally published in Italian as Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo (The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism).
€17.80 excl tax


A spell's power comes from writing about and truly understanding the intention behind it. By blending journal entries with spells that help you manifest the best version of yourself, SPELLCRAFT is the perfect living grimoire for a new witch.  Anyone can follow a recipe for a spell, but with SPELLCRAFT, your practice becomes exclusively yours.
€7.70 excl tax