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Mysticism, Alchemy and Magic

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Australian bush flower essences

Using the healing properties of flower essences is an ancient art, spanning many cultures. Flower essences are safe and powerful catalysts than anyone can use. Not only do they bring clarity to the conscious mind and develop many intuitive abilities, but they also resolve negative beliefs and directly affect us at the level where we make decisions about our emotions, health, vitality and ...
€10.80 excl tax

Satanic witch 2ed

€9.30 excl tax

Magical And Mystical Sites : Europe and the British Isles

Embark on a magical voyage to the enchanted sites of the ancient world, all associated with legends of mystery and power. From Stonehenge in England to the oracle of Apollo in Greece, Magical and Mystical Sites explores the most remarkable and significant places of antiquity — temples, places of learning, monuments, ruins, and sacred groves -- and the legends that accompany them.
€11.90 excl tax

Ascension Handbook: Channeled Material From Serapis (Reissue

Filled with exercises and techniques, AN ASCENSION HANDBOOK is a practical "how to" manual for ascending Lightworkers. Here is a practical manual for breaking old patterns, severing from the "consensus reality" and aligning with Spirit.
€11.40 excl tax

Mind into matter - a new alchemy of science and spirit

Alchemists of the old attempted to make sense of the universe--to discover the connection between mind and matter. Some of today's scientists, in particular quantum physicists, are doing the same.
€9.20 excl tax

Abc Of Magic Charms: A Revised & Expanded Edition

From the beginning of time, an obscure quality within the human spirit has sought the blessings for the three kingdoms of the earth — animal, vegetable and mineral. Whether they are simple or complex, rare or commonplace, beautiful or awesome, all three share mysterious properties defined over the centuries by occult traditions. Here, in one slender volume, is an A to Z of the essential charms.
€7.00 excl tax

Celtic Magic Book & Card Deck

€9.60 excl tax

The Gospel of the Second Coming

In 2005, a disgruntled archivist at the Vatican Library made contact with revisionist historians Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy, claiming that the Vatican was secretly housing a number of unpublished ...
€6.50 excl tax

Cosmopolitan's Love Potions

Give your love life a spiritual boost with Cosmo's potent introduction to potion-making!
€7.80 excl tax

Cosmopolitan's Love Spells

Give your love life a spiritual boost with Cosmo's potent introduction to spells designed to enhance romance.
€7.80 excl tax

Carnal Alchemy : Sado-Magical Techniques for Pleasure, Pain, and Self-Transformation

· Details how to combine the 6 major types of S & M stimulation with sexual stimulation for magical and transformative purposes · Explores sado-magical workings from both submissive and dominant perspectives · Traces the roots of the BDSM tradition from ancient pagan and shamanic rituals to historical figures such as the Marquis de Sade, Aleister Crowley and Anton ...
€10.70 excl tax

Esoteric Secrets Of Surrealism : Origins, Magic, and Secret Societies

Explains how surrealist paintings and poems employed mythology, gnostic principles, tarot, voodoo, alchemy and other hermetic sciences to seek out unexplored regions of the mind and recover lost “psychic” and magical powers Provides many examples of esoteric influence in surrealism, such as how Picasso's Demoiselles d'Avignon was originally titled The Bath of the Philosophers.
€14.30 excl tax

Book Of Grimoires : The Secret Grammar of Magic

· Includes spells, talisman formulations and secret magical alphabets reproduced from the author's private collection of grimoires, with instructions for their use · Explains the basic principles of mediaeval magic, including the doctrine of names and the laws of sympathy and contagion · Offers an overview of magic in the Western Mystery tradition Grimoires began ...
€11.40 excl tax

Overthrowing The Old Gods : Aleister Crowley and the Book of the Law

· Examines each line of the Book of the Law in the light of modern psychology, Egyptology, Gurdjieff's teachings and contemporary Left-Hand Path thought · Explores Crowley's identification with the First Beast of Revelations as well as his adoption of the Loki archetype for becoming a vessel of love for all humanity · Recasts the Cairo Working as a text of personal ...
€12.10 excl tax

High magic of talismans and amulets - tradition and craft

The use of talismans and amulets stretches back nearly to the dawn of man, from everyday items magically prepared, such as horns or coins, to intricate and beautiful jewelry imbued with protective powers.
€17.80 excl tax

Enochian Magic And The Higher Worlds : Beyond the Realm of the Angels

In this comprehensive introduction to Enochian magic and beyond, John DeSalvo explains how the magic system transmitted by the angels to John Dee and Edward Kelley in the 16th century has until now remained incomplete and thus not as powerful as the angels intended.
€9.30 excl tax

Restoring the soul of the world - our living bond with natures intelligence

For millennia the world was seen as a creative, interconnected web of life, constantly growing, developing and restoring itself. But with the arrival of the Scientific Revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries, the world was viewed as a lifeless, clock like mechanism, bound by the laws of classical physics.
€10.70 excl tax

Christian mythology - revelations of pagan origins

In this extensive study of the Christian mythology that animated Europe in the Middle Ages, author, Philippe Walter, reveals how these stories and the holiday traditions connected with them are based on long-standing pagan rituals and myths and have very little connection to the Bible.
€9.30 excl tax