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Ozark Mountain Publishing

Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. was founded by Johnny & Dolores Cannon in 1992, located in the hills of the Ozark Mountains.  Their mission was and continues to be to provide readers with accurate, interesting and educational information that opens the mind to fascinating possibilities.

Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. is the home of two imprints: Ozark Mountain Publishing and Big Sandy Press

Ozark Mountain Publishing publishes only non-fiction metaphysical and spiritual books.  The books cover many subjects including:  Self-Help, Spiritual, New Age, Meditation, Dowsing, Healing, Metaphysics and UFOs just to mention a few.  The information is provided in many forms:  CDs, DVDs, Audio Books, and E Books as well as in standard book form. 

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Custodians - beyond abduction

UFO sightings and abductions by aliens were the beginning, the tip of the iceberg. Dolore Cannon's work in Hypnosis has taken the study beyond abduction. Dolores traces the phenomenon from the simple to the complex. Exploring areas untouched by other investigators, she makes the unbelievable become acceptable and understandable!
€11.10 excl tax

Jesus and the essenes

UFO Sightings and Abductions by aliens were the beginning, the tip of the iceberg. Dolores Cannon's work in hypnosis has taken the study beyond abduction.
€8.10 excl tax

They Walked With Jesus

Sequel to "Jesus and the Essenes". the past-life memories of two women capture a true and compelling portrait of Jesus the man, from the healing miracles he performed to the gentle philosophy he preached. This is an "insiders" view, direct from Jesus' time, deep in feeling tones and profound in implications, giving a sense of how things truly were.
€8.60 excl tax

Application Of Impossible Things : A Near Death Experience in Iraq

This is an amazing true story of a female civilian employee of the Army Corps of Engineers in Basrah and Nasiriyah, Iraq. She was riding in a truck with other men when a roadside bomb destroyed the vehicle. Her body was so severely damaged that there was no possible way she could live. She vividly recounts her Near Death Experience when she went out of the body to the spirit world.
€7.80 excl tax

Beyond The Source - Part One : Messages from the Co-Creators of the Universe

In this book Guy Needler channels mind-blowing information. He has been in touch with God (or “The Source” ) and discovered that there are actually 12 Source Entities who are calling the shots and running the universe. In this book, he records his conversations with six of the twelve and describes the work that each of them are engaged in.
€10.10 excl tax

Avoiding Karma : A Mind-Challenging Way to Recognize Who, Why, and What You Truly Are

Karma is only a function of the physical universe and our true energetic selves, when attracted to the lower frequencies associated with the physical universe, are linked to it. Hence the need to return to it, to break the link, to break the Karmic cycle.
€8.60 excl tax

Five Lives Remembered

THE BEGINNING What do you do when you discover information that is before its time? What do you do when your curiosity takes you on an adventure that is so bizarre that there is nothing normal to relate to? This is what happened to Dolores Cannon in 1968, long before she began her career as a past-life hypnotherapist and regressionist.
€8.30 excl tax

Rebirth Of The Oracle: Tarot For The Modern World

Welcome to the incredibly beautiful and intriguing world of the Tarot. The purpose of this book, "Rebirth of the Oracle - Tarot for the Modern World," is to simplify and demystify this ancient oracle ...
€8.70 excl tax

Peaks And Valleys : Integrative Approaches for Recovering from Loss

Many losses go unrecognised or are subtle. Some are life-changing. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, a relationship or a job, the energy of grief often weighs heavily upon our hearts. These losses can accumulate and make it difficult for us to enjoy life.
€7.20 excl tax

Dancing forever with spirit - astonishing insights from heaven

Nobody likes to think that they are alone. This is a book that will appeal to the millions who have bought books that offer the hope that there is help from the other side available to each and every one of us.
€7.50 excl tax

Origin Speaks : The Direct Dialogue with the Ultimate Creator

Have you ever thought about who or what God is or who the co-creators are? Or even, what is beyond God? What if God was indeed finite and that there was a much bigger “infinite” being, one that created God and the co-creators?
€12.50 excl tax

We are the creators - a little everyday philosophy

L. R. Sumpter's intriguing book explores new possibilities of how we can develop our spiritual powers. Inspired by his philosophical and metaphysical studies and at times by a spirit guide named Feh, Sumpter provides fresh insights about how we relate to our world and vice versa.
€6.50 excl tax

Dawn book - information from the master guidesa spiritual guide book

Here is a spiritual workbook containing messages from the Master Guides who have taken great care to present the information in a simple, straightforward, easy-to-understand manner. This information may affect future generations for hundreds of years. Opportunities are presented for humans to become what we can become, to fulfil ourselves in the eyes of the universe.
€11.50 excl tax

Search for sacred hidden knowledge

In this new book, Dolores Cannon continues the story begun in two of her previous books, Keepers of the Garden and The Custodians. In those books, she explained how the Extraterrestrials developed life on Earth, how they came to be regarded as gods and explored the complicated relationship between humans and ETs.
€9.70 excl tax

Dance of heavenly bliss - divine inspiration for humanity

In his first book, Dancing on a Stamp, Garnet Schulhauser recounts how his life changed dramatically one day in 2007 when he was confronted on the street by a homeless man named Albert (who was actually a wise spirit in disguise - an emissary from the spirit world).
€7.90 excl tax

Anne dialogues - communications with the ascended

THE ANNE DIALOGUES provides a behind-the energetic-scenes look at what happens in the incarnation process. Readers are taken each step of the way from the point of death to the decision to incarnate again and through the myriad teachings in between. A channelled work, this book is an insider's view of the actual process of dying and ascending to the spirit side.
€10.60 excl tax

From fear to love - my private journey

What would you ask if you could talk to the beings who inhabit your worst nightmares? And what would you do if they answered? From the time she was a small child, Donna Lynn experienced night terrors that were so disturbing they affected her waking life and relationships.
€6.10 excl tax

Not Your Average Angel Book : A Practical and Humorous Guide to All Things Angelic

This book is a double dose of angels, as Andy Myers explores the phenomenon from two different perspectives. The first section focuses on spirit guides and is overflowing with useful content on how the reader can learn to communicate with his or her spirit guides on a daily basis.
€8.60 excl tax

Small Book Of Comfort : A Collection of Self-Help Dialogues and Methods for Working Through Depression

Having suffered the dark weight of depression for most of her life, the author decided to write a collection of reminder notes to herself in an effort to reduce the stress. Eventually this attempt at self-help became the collection of dialogues that make up this book.
€6.10 excl tax

Dance Of Eternal Rapture : Understanding Who We Are on the Human Journey

This book continues the story of the author's first 3 books, as it chronicles his most recent astral adventures with Albert, a spirit guide disguised as a homeless man. As with the other books, Albert has a carefully planned agenda all mapped out and designed to teach the author (and all of humankind) a lesson and to provide us with nuggets of wisdom to help us understand who we are and why we ...
€7.50 excl tax