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Ozark Mountain Publishing

Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. was founded by Johnny & Dolores Cannon in 1992, located in the hills of the Ozark Mountains.  Their mission was and continues to be to provide readers with accurate, interesting and educational information that opens the mind to fascinating possibilities.

Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. is the home of two imprints: Ozark Mountain Publishing and Big Sandy Press

Ozark Mountain Publishing publishes only non-fiction metaphysical and spiritual books.  The books cover many subjects including:  Self-Help, Spiritual, New Age, Meditation, Dowsing, Healing, Metaphysics and UFOs just to mention a few.  The information is provided in many forms:  CDs, DVDs, Audio Books, and E Books as well as in standard book form. 

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Enchanted Garden

CONNECT...CREATE....COOK My passion for cooking led me to discover the magical and powerful energies that herbs, spices, vegetables and fruits possess. My desire to share these experiences inspired the creation of 57 original and interactive gifts. The concept is based on ancient magical philosophies.
€8.00 excl tax

Convoluted universe: book three

Join Dolores Cannon, and go exploring! Join Dolores on a voyage through time and space into the world of the strange and unusual and unfathomable, as hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon's "Convoluted ...
€10.30 excl tax

Convoluted universe: book one

This is the sequel to 'The Custodians'. The book contains some of the more complicated concepts in Metaphysics that Dolores Cannon discovered through twenty years of using deep hypnosis to explore the subconscious mind. Some of the topics explored in this book: ...
€10.30 excl tax

Alien handbook - a guide to extraterrestrials

This book includes information about highly evolved life forms from other worlds in our galaxy that are visiting and observing Earth. There are channeling sessions between the author and his guardian angel guides (nicknamed GAGs), and extraterrestrials in general and sessions with aliens visiting and observing Earth during the time the book was written - 2014 to early 2016.
€6.90 excl tax

Oracle Of Ur

In ancient Sumer, 3800 BC indentured and forced into prostitution to survive, a reluctant seer known only as Girl, finds herself experiencing cataclysmic visions. Kaylem, most junior scribe of the Temple and her one, true friend, realizes Girl is the mouthpiece of the gods and is the only one to believe her.
€9.20 excl tax

Three waved of volunteers and the new earth

This fascinating narrative reveals the cosmic forces that have been in play over the past 66 years. Help has come from the outside to preserve the human race. In 1945 when the atomic bombs dropped, our “protectors” and “watchers” in outer space saw that Earth was on a collision course with disaster.
€10.30 excl tax

Convoluted universe: book five

The fifth volume in the wildly successful Convoluted Universe series is, in the words of the author, “like a big box of mind candy.” It is meant to be tasted, enjoyed and pondered over. Here are new concepts and theories about the true meaning of virtually everything of universal significance. Like Cannon's previous books, this volume covers a startling range of topics: ...
€11.50 excl tax

Conversations with nostradamus: volume 3 - his prophecies explained

The third and final book in their series contains 132 additional quatrains written and deciphered by Nostradamus himself, plus the exposure of bogus quatrains erroneously attributed to the great psychic Dolores Cannon has pierced the veil of the space/time continuum by her use of regressive hypnosis, to bring us warnings of events to come.
€9.20 excl tax

Very Special Friend

This is a story of a young girl who was moved from where she grew up, to a new place in the country where she knew no one. Here she encounters a very special friend to help her adapt.
€5.70 excl tax

Avoiding Karma : A Mind-Challenging Way to Recognize Who, Why, and What You Truly Are

Karma is only a function of the physical universe and our true energetic selves, when attracted to the lower frequencies associated with the physical universe, are linked to it. Hence the need to return to it, to break the link, to break the Karmic cycle.
€8.70 excl tax

Rebirth Of The Oracle: Tarot For The Modern World

Welcome to the incredibly beautiful and intriguing world of the Tarot. The purpose of this book, "Rebirth of the Oracle - Tarot for the Modern World," is to simplify and demystify this ancient oracle ...
€8.70 excl tax

We are the creators - a little everyday philosophy

L. R. Sumpter's intriguing book explores new possibilities of how we can develop our spiritual powers. Inspired by his philosophical and metaphysical studies and at times by a spirit guide named Feh, Sumpter provides fresh insights about how we relate to our world and vice versa.
€6.50 excl tax

Dawn book - information from the master guidesa spiritual guide book

Here is a spiritual workbook containing messages from the Master Guides who have taken great care to present the information in a simple, straightforward, easy-to-understand manner. This information may affect future generations for hundreds of years. Opportunities are presented for humans to become what we can become, to fulfil ourselves in the eyes of the universe.
€11.60 excl tax

Teen Oracle [With Booklet]

€9.40 excl tax

Atlantis and the new consciousness

Using past life regression, Prentis and Wilson and a mutual friend return to previous lives on the lost continent of Atlantis.

€8.70 excl tax

Soul speak - discover the secret language of your body

Every ache, pain and symptom is the body delivering a message of importance to you in its own unique language. This is a book is a translation manual that teaches you that language. The basic premise here is that we are much greater than the sum of our physical parts. We are a spiritual beings residing in a physical bodies.
€9.20 excl tax

Convoluted universe: book two

For those who have enjoyed the challenges of Book One of this series, we present Book Two. Buckle your seat belts and get ready for another roller coaster ride that will present new concepts and either threaten or expand your belief systems. Dolores Cannon continues to uncover complicated metaphysics, creating the need for sequels.
€10.30 excl tax

Conversations with nostradamus: volume 2 - his prophecies explained

The second book in the series contains 143 additional quatrains written and deciphered by Nostradamus himself. Dolores Cannon has pierced the veil of the space/time continuum by her use of regressive hypnosis, to bring us warnings of events to come.
€8.60 excl tax

Keepers of the garden

Dolores Cannon uses information obtained from regressive hypnosis to formulate a provocative viewpoint on the ancient astronaut theory of human origins. Her findings indicate that the earth was seeded eons ago by travellers from outer space. These visits by ancient extraterrestrials did not end with their intervention in human evolution.
€8.60 excl tax

Legacy from the stars

We are children of the stars. This is our legacy and our heritage. In the history of the cosmos Earth is a young planet. Our souls on the other hand have been around forever and will continue to be around forever. Thus Earth is not our only home. We have lived many lives in unusual environments before deciding to journey here and learn the lessons of Earth.
€8.60 excl tax