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Penguin Random House UK

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Blink - the power of thinking without thinking

An art expert sees a ten-million-dollar sculpture and instantly spots it's a fake. A marriage analyst knows within minutes whether a couple will stay together. A fire-fighter suddenly senses he has to get out of a blazing building. A speed dater clicks with the right person ...This book is all about those moments when we 'know' something without knowing why.

Reiki and the seven chakras - your essential guide to the first level

The healing art of Reiki is a practice that restores balance and harmony within the body through the transmission of healing energy through the hands of the practitioner, bringing relief to a wide ...

Live right for your type

Det individuellt utarbetade programmet för att maximera din hälsa, ämnesomsättning och vitalitet oavsett ålder. Din blodgrupp betyder mer än du tror. I Live Right 4 Your Type visar Dr. Peter J.

Cook right 4 your type

4 blodgrupper 4 kostförslag 4 strategier för ett friskare liv Efter närmare tjugo års forskning avslöjade Dr. Peter J. D´Adamo sambandet mellan blodgrupp, kost och hälsa i Eat Right 4 your Type.

Great Gatsby

Young, handsome and fabulously rich, Jay Gatsby is the bright star of the Jazz Age, but as writer Nick Carraway is drawn into the decadent orbit of his Long Island mansion, where the party never seems to end, he finds himself faced by the mystery of Gatsby's origins and desires.

Course in miracles - the text workbook for students, manual for teachers

En av de mest uppmärksammade och tongivande böckerna inom new age som handlar om hur vi genom träning kan genomskåda den illusoriska verkligheten och nå fram till vårt naturliga tillstånd av kärlek.

From medication to meditation

The connection between your mind and your health.


This timeless masterpiece is a heartfelt expression of a person’s deepest spiritual desires. It’s potent message of self-understanding and spiritual growth has proved to be universally inspiring. A provocative and exhilarating read!

Be as you are - the teachings of sri ramana maharshi

'Our own Self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world' The simple but powerful teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of India's most revered spiritual masters, continue to enlighten and enrich over sixty years after his death.