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The Illinois Watch And Its Hamilton Years

This new five-volume, boxed set completes the Illinois Watch story in detail never before revealed, describing the American watch industry at its inception and at the time of the Great Depression, including the impact this economic disaster had on the watch industry, in general, and on Illinois and its new corporate parent, in particular.
€163.60 excl tax

The Home Reference to Holistic Health and Healing

Reduce stress and live better, naturally! Learn time-tested remedies and safe solutions for dealing with stress.
€11.50 excl tax

Angels, Spirit Guides & Goddesses: A Guide to Working with 100 Divine Beings in Your Daily Life

Angels, Spirit Guides & Goddesses is a lavishly illustrated guide to 100 celestial helpers who are ready to provide guidance—all you need to do is ask.
€10.70 excl tax

Press Here! Chakras For Beginners

Chakras are the body's energy centres and key to physical health, emotional stability, and mental clarity. Ensuring your chakras are perfectly balanced offers a new dimension of healing and growth.
€8.60 excl tax

My Life Map

€8.60 excl tax

Daring Greatly

€10.70 excl tax

Healing Power Of The Human Voice: Mantras, Chants...For Heal

As infants and children we use our vocalizations to express our needs and emotions. As we grow older these vocalizations become confined to language. The suppression of emotional sounds because they may be considered childish or undignified is quite commonplace in the West.
€12.20 excl tax

Darkness Visible: Awakening Spiritual Light Through Darkness

Spiritual seekers from many traditions have used darkness as a method for exploring hidden aspects of unconscious and super-conscious states, and for embracing the deeper recesses of the self.
€7.90 excl tax

Aura-Soma: Self-Discovery Through Color (Formerly Miracle Of

Aura-Soma is an innovative approach to soul therapy that relies on bottles of dual-coloured liquids that incorporate plant extracts, essential oils, and the energies and extracts of precious and semiprecious stones. The energetic properties found in the liquids interact with the individual's aura to help support equilibrium in the body, mind, and spirit.
€11.50 excl tax

Attunements For Day And Night Cd : Chants to the Sun and Moon

Japa - the repeated chanting of a mantra - is an age old Hindu technique to help you become attuned with the planets and their ruling deities and thereby create peace and prosperity in your life. On this CD the noted Tantric scholar Harish Johari chants the mantras associated with the Sun and the Moon 108 times the preferred number of repetitions.
€8.30 excl tax

Science of getting rich - attracting financial success through creative tho

In his best-selling book, Wallace D. Wattles explains that “universal mind” underlies and permeates all creation. Through the process of visualisation we can engage the law of attraction impressing our thoughts upon “formless substance” and bringing the desired object or circumstances into material form.
€4.30 excl tax

Reiki For The Heart And Soul: The Reiki Principles As Spiritual Pathwork (O)

Explores how practitioners of all levels and lineages can use the practice of Reiki for healing and for spiritual growth.
€12.90 excl tax

Psychomagic - the transformative power of shamanic psychotherapy

PSYCHOMAGIC presents the shamanic and genealogical principles Jodorowsky discovered to create a healing therapy that could use the powers of dreams, art and theatre to empower individuals to heal wounds that in some cases had travelled through generations.
€15.00 excl tax

Chakra Frequencies: Tantra Of Sound (Includes Audio Cd)

Jonathan and Andi Goldman reveal how the human voice can resonate our physical and subtle bodies to balance and align the chakras.
€11.50 excl tax

Job Search Bloopers : Every Mistake You Can Make on the Road to Career Suicide...and How to Avoid Them

You've been told, “Learn from your mistakes.” But why? You don't have to waste your time or energy in missing out on the job of your dreams while learning as you go! In JOB SEARCH BLOOPERS you'll peek into the lives of job seekers as they share their sometimes hilarious and, all-too-often, horrendous career blunders.
€8.90 excl tax

Find Your Inner Voice: Using Instinct & Intuition Through The Body-Mind Connection

Our instinct and intuition are available for us to use in everyday life. Yet over time we lose the ability to locate and trust those innate guides for decision-making.
€8.30 excl tax

Highly Effective Networking

Virtually all job hunting experts agree that networking is the best way to find a great job. But most people don't have large networks or connections to the decision makers who do the hiring, while most networking books are written by and for salespeople and suggest aggressive tactics, often confusing these with networking. They focus on building a powerful network over the course of a lifetime.
€9.40 excl tax

Carve your own road - do what you love & live the life you envision

There is an epidemic facing our world today. People everywhere, even those who are successful by most standards, are utterly disconnected from what they really want out of life.
€8.60 excl tax

Can I Have Your Attention? : How to Think Fast, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Concentration

CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION? is not your traditional self-help book that offers 12 simple steps to enhance brainpower. Nor is it a book on Eastern Wisdom, spirituality, or conventional meditation. It is an eye-popping adventure that combines ancient, high-speed attention-building processes with cutting-edge attention research in psychology, neurology and biology.
€8.60 excl tax