For more than eight centuries, Persian mystic poet and Sufi master Jalaloddin Mohammed Balkhi Rumi—commonly referred to simply as Rumi—has enchanted and enthralled readers from every faith and background with his universal themes of love, friendship, and spirituality, which he seamlessly wove into evanescent poetry.
Reiki master Diane Stein (author of Essential Reiki, 300,000 copies sold) distills more than 25 years of experience as a hands-on healer, guiding readers seeking a deeper level of knowledge through the three degrees of healing.
Meister Eckhart on Divine Knowledge is not only the most profound study of the core theological and philosophical themes of Christianity’s greatest mystic ever written. It is also the greatest exegesis of Christian non-dualism ever published.
Of all Christian mystical teachings, those of the Dominican theologian Meister Eckhart (c. 1260–c.