This book is a work of love born of the author's desire to share with her family and her friends her discovery of what she calls the Way of Life as expressed in the classic of Eastern wisdom the Tao Te Ching. Written during the 6th century B.C. the Tao Te Ching is difficult for many Westerners to fathom as it attempts to describe what cannot be described: ...
This abridgment of Il Direttorio Mistico, written by G.B. Scaramelli (1687?-1752) is a foundational work for people seeking the contemplative life that leads to the Spiritual Marriage, or reintegration of the human spirit with God. Nicholson's translation has been skillfully abridged to include the most cogent material.
Alchemy is the ancient sacred science concerned with the mysteries of life and consciousness as reflected through all Nature. It is a harmonious blending of physical and subtle forces which lifts the subject, whether it be man or metal, to a more evolved state of being.
THE CLAVIS OR KEY TO THE MAGIC OF SOLOMON is one of several notebooks from the estate of Ebenezer Sibley, transcribed under the direction of Frederic Hockley (1808-1885). Sibley was a prominent physician and an influential author, who complemented his scientific studies with writings on the “deeper truths” including magic, astrology, alchemy and hypnotherapy.
This sacred journey is about you. It's about all of us. Every moment of our lives spent on earth has profound meaning - yesterday, tomorrow and perhaps most importantly, TODAY.
The time has come to remember who we really are. Consciousness is expanding - and each of us plays a vital role in its universal evolution. What will you do with your role?
The Svetasvataropanisad is considered to be the most beautiful of all the Upanisads, the philosophical texts of the Hindu religion. In this new translation, Devadatta Kali takes a fresh look and works from a new premise that the Svetasvatara represents a Saivite (one of the Hindu sects) point of view and works from this in his translation and commentary to allow its intended meaning to shine ...