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Philosophy and Religion


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Staying On The Path

The wit and wisdom of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer is reflected in this extraordinary collection of inspirational quotes and observations.
€5.50 excl tax

Soul on fire - a transformational journey from priest to shaman

Soul on Fire is a magical collection of stories describing the awakening of spiritual powers of a priest turned shaman; powers that have usually been ascribed to Eastern masters of traditional shamans.
€18.20 excl tax

Chuang tsu - inner chapters

€12.50 excl tax

Mary Magdalene Revealed

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene reveals a very different love story from the one we've come to refer to as Christianity. Harvard-trained theologian Meggan Watterson leads us verse by verse through Mary's gospel to illuminate the powerful teachings it contains.
€13.10 excl tax

Plant Witchery

€9.80 excl tax

Anubis Oracle: A Journey Into The Shamanic Mysteries Of Egypt (35-Card Deck & Book)

The Anubis Oracle is a shamanic guide to inner Egypt, where archetypal deities and elemental spirits lead us on a journey of transformation.
€17.90 excl tax

Temples Of Light: An Initiatory Journey Into The Heart-Teachings Of The Egyptian Mystery Schools (In

The Temples of Light is a spiritual journey through thirteen of Egypt's sacred temples. Guided meditations and exercises assist the modern-day pilgrim with everyday issues as well as deeper questions.
€13.60 excl tax

Journeys To The Mythical Past (Q)

This second volume of Sitchin's autobiographical account of the investigations and discoveries that led to The Earth Chronicles series reveals, for the first time, the existence of a secret chamber ...
€11.50 excl tax

Mayan Oracle: The Galactic Language Of Light (44-Card Deck & Book) (New Edition)

A hands-on tool to harness the potential for spiritual growth surrounding the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 • Includes 44 color divination cards and an in-depth guide • Explains the Mayan divinatory meaning of each card’s symbol and their associated colors, herbs, ritual movements, and more • Includes divinatory spreads, meditations, and exercises for insight and intuition
€15.50 excl tax

Slave species of the gods - the secret history of the anunnaki and their mi

· Reveals compelling new archaeological and genetic evidence for the engineered origins of the human species, first proposed by Zecharia Sitchin in The 12th Planet · Shows how the Anunnaki created us using pieces of their own DNA, controlling our physical and mental capabilities by inactivating their more advanced DNA · Identifies a recently discovered complex of ...
€15.00 excl tax

Three Ages Of Atlantis : The Great Floods That Destroyed Civilization

· Reveals that there was not one but three Atlantises, the first in Antarctica, the second in South America and the third in the Mediterranean · Examines geological evidence of super-floods 15,000, 11,600 and 8,700 years ago · Shows how these flood dates directly parallel the freezing of Antarctica, the migrations of Cro-Magnon men and the destruction of ...
€14.30 excl tax

Lost tomb of king arthur - the search for camelot and the isle of avalon

One of the most enigmatic figures in world history, King Arthur has been the subject of many fantastical tales over the past 1500 years, leading many scholars to regard him and his fabled city of Camelot simply as myth.
€10.70 excl tax

Secret chamber revisited - the quest for the lost knowledge of ancient egyp

Since 1993 Robert Bauval has been embroiled in the many controversies involving the search for the lost treasures of the pyramid builders and the quest for the legendary Hall of Records of Atlantis. The strange but true story that he unfolds implicates American business moguls, the prestigious National Geographic Society, several Ivy League universities, the Edgar Cayce Foundation, the ...
€12.20 excl tax

There were giants upon the earth - gods, demigods, and human ancestry: the

In whose genetic image were we made? From his first book - The 12th Planet - on, Zecharia Sitchin has asserted that the Bible's 'Elohim', who said 'Let us fashion The Adam in our image and after our likeness,' were the gods of Sumer and Babylon - the Anunnaki who had come to Earth from their planet, Nibiru.
€8.60 excl tax

Return of the divine sophia - healing the earth through the lost wisdom tea

Called through her dreams by the Priestesses of Isis, Tricia McCannon set out on a spiritual journey into the Mysteries of the Goddess. After a fateful encounter with a high initiate of the ancient Fellowship of Isis, she began researching the history of Judaism and Christianity to find out how and when the Divine Feminine became lost.
€14.30 excl tax