Eschewing the entrapments of vanity, power, and money, "Homeless" Kodo Sawaki Roshi refused to accept a permanent position as a temple abbot, despite repeated offers. Instead, he lived a traveling, "homeless" life, going from temple to temple, student to student, teaching and instructing and never allowing himself to stray from his chosen path.
In 1987 medical transcriptionist Patricia Pereira suddenly started receiving telepathic communications from the staa Arcturus and was requested to begin a series of galactically inspired manuscripts, ...
Across thousands of years and countless civilizations, goddesses have been a powerful presence. Whether as leaders, mothers, warriors or lovers, these indomitable divinities have always been able to fascinate and seduce us.
The End of Karma presents an easy-to-use 40-day program that will help you become enlightened. By reading and thinking about one chapter a day, you can get a better understanding of all aspects of spirituality and come to know your Higher Power, or God.