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Quest Books

Quest Books is the imprint of the Theosophical Publishing House, the publishing arm of the Theosophical Society in America.

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Music: Physician For Times To Come

Here pioneering musicians, doctors, therapists, and teachers in diverse spiritual traditions explore new paradigms.
€8.70 excl tax

Unconditional Bliss: Finding Happiness Even In The Face Of H

An introduction to "Living the Questions." We can be happy in spite of hardship, heartbreak, or a job we hate. Pie-in-the-sky? This down-to-earth guy shows us how. When personal tragedy struck, Howard Cushnir already knew the Zen practice of staying in the moment. But he wasn't prepared for the gift of grace he received.
€8.70 excl tax

Esoteric World Of Madame Blavatsky Hb : Insights into the Life of a Modern Sphinx

World traveler and student of religions, Blavatsky was among the first to bring Eastern wisdom to the West. Her writings excited such luminaries as W.B. Yeats, James Joyce, Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, and Gustav Mahler. Here are first-handed accounts of her colorful life by family, friends, and enemies.
€15.70 excl tax

Sophia - New Revised Edition : Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God

Anyone interested in the feminine face of God throughout the ages will find Sophia an illuminating experience. Caitlin Matthews' scholarship connects us to past, present, and future in the very depths of our femininity. ----Marion Woodman, Jungian analyst and author of Bone: Dying into Life.
€11.90 excl tax

Head And Heart: A Personal Exploration Of Science & The Sacred

Part lively analysis, part memoir, this unusual book explores the relationship between science and spirit without reducing one to the other.
€10.90 excl tax

Science And The Sacred : Eternal Wisdom in a Changing World

'Einstein said the best scientists have always approached science as a sacred activity that could yield "the secrets of the Old One," Ravi Ravindra points out. This eloquent book at once affirms scientific exploration and addresses the failure of science to deal with the inner life.
€11.90 excl tax

Heavens Declare : Astrological Ages and the Evolution of Consciousness

In The Heavens Declare, author and astrologer Alice O. Howell proclaims, “We are not confronting the end of the world, but the end of the Age of Pisces!” Integrating two major disciplines of astrology and Jungian depth psychology, Howell’s latest title reveals the fascinating connection between astrology and the evolution of the Collective Unconscious, C.G.
€9.20 excl tax

Letters Of H. P. Blavatsky Hb : Volume 1 1861-1879

Helena P. Blavatsky (1831-1891) is widely celebrated as the leading esoteric thinker of the nineteenth century who influenced an entire generation of artists and intellectuals and introduced Eastern spirituality to the West. Until now, however, readers have been able to know this fascinating woman only through her public writings. Few may have realized that H.P.B.
€16.30 excl tax

Rebirth For Christianity

The search to uncover the hidden origins of Christianity and discover its true message has become a current topic of fascination for many readers. People are eager to know the truths behind the biblical legends and the mysteries that created Christian rites, ceremonies, and codes of behavior.
€8.10 excl tax

Echoes From The Gnosis: 100th-Year Anniversary Edition

The fully revised complete collection of eleven seminalk works on Gnosticism, the first of which orginally appeared in 1906.
€15.20 excl tax

Secret Gateway: Modern Theosophy & The Ancient Wisdom Tradit

Bridging science and spiritualtiy, Theosophy formulates a modern statement of the ancient wisdom tradition found in all world religions.
€8.70 excl tax

Nicholas And Helena Roerich: The Spiritual Journey Of Two Gr

Here is the amazing story of two early twentieth-century Russian visionaries whose quest to unite humanity through art and culture still echoes powerfully today.
€13.00 excl tax

Visionary Window : A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment

Does God exist? Can spirituality be integrated with science? Is happiness possible? Do miracles really happen? Not only does The Visionary Window answer "yes" to all of these questions, but it skillfully combines the fields of philosophy, cosmology, religion, and psychology to form a new way of thinking about science and spirituality.
€11.90 excl tax

Esoteric Christianity

Early Christianity held secrets equal to those of other great religions, says Annie Besant. Its first followers guarded them as priceless treasures. After an increasingly rigid hierarchy began to bury these truths in the early centuries A.D., they were known only to a few initiates, who communicated them privately, often in obscure language.
€10.90 excl tax

Fundamentalist Mind : How Polarized Thinking Imperils Us All

We are all fundamentalists whether we acknowledge it or not. We were born into a world of myth and metaphor and have come to internalize the stories we were told as children as the literal interpretations of much greater and deeply symbolic lessons. When we fall into such patterns, according to author and psychotherapist Stephen Larsen, we lose all flexibility and freedom of thought.
€13.60 excl tax

Twin From Another Tribe : The Story of Two Shamanic Healers from Africa and North America

A gift to a world divided by race, this memoir is of two healers in the Bantu tradition-one in Africa, one in a U.S. hospital-who know themselves as spiritual twins. Merging Western medicine with shamanic practice, they offer a profound view of peacemaking that requires meeting "the other" as friend and teacher.
€9.20 excl tax

Lost Teachings Of Lama Govinda: Living Wisdom From A Modern Tibetan Master

Born in Germany in 1898, Lama Govinda was one of the first Westerners to present Tibetan Buddhism as an initiate and practitioner of the tradition.
€10.90 excl tax

Politics And The Occult: The Left, The Right & The Radically Unseen

Esoteric beliefs have influenced the destiny of nations since the time of ancient Egypt and China, when decisions of state were based on astrology, to today, when presidents and prime ministers ...
€10.90 excl tax

Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution Between Darwinism & Intelligent Design (H)

By denying evolution altogether, says quantum physicist Amit Goswani, intelligent design believers fly in the face of scientific data.
€14.70 excl tax

Digital Dharma: A User's Guide To Expanding Consciousness In The Infosphere

Digital Dharma has something for everyone. It is for technology experts and yoga fanatics alike. Whether you’re simply seeking the spiritual, already practicing a spiritual tradition, or a Body-Mind-Spirit reader with ambivalent feelings about your computer and cell phone, this book will guide you on the path toward a new consciousness.
€9.20 excl tax