This is a companion volume to and, in fact, a continuation of, Man, the Measure of All Things, by the same author (with the late Sri Krishna Prem), which dealt with the Stanzas of Dzyan relating to Cosmogenesis as set forth in H.P. Blavatsky’s great work, The Secret Doctrine.
Joy is a word rarely associated with death. Yet joy is ultimately the effect in this collection of stories about Janet Wehr's experiences in witnessing the death of her patients during her fifteen years as a hospice nurse.
THE PRESENCE OF THE INFINITE sheds new light on the important subject of spiritual experience. Using the emerging insights of evolutionary spirituality, integral philosopher, Steve McIntosh, enlarges readers' capacity to have spiritual experience more abundantly and use it more effectively to improve their lives and the world around them.
This volume is a study of the symbols of cosmic origins. It throws a new and searching light upon The Stanzas of Dzyan, a little-known collection of cosmogenic verses relating to cosmogenesis as set forth in H. P. Blavatsky's great work The Secret Doctrine.
“We are considering the universe as a tissue of psychic experience,” say the authors.
When we sow our seeds in the garden of life, do we settle for a meagre display of two or three flowers? Or do we aim for a pageantry of rich colours and breathtaking beauty?
So asks author, David Bruce, in the exquisite essays inspiring us to live an active spiritual life.
Geoffrey Hodson, a renowned clairvoyant of the twentieth century, an important and influential lifelong Theosophist, offers a comprehensive and simple explanation of the wisdom to be offered from our relationship with the Angels among us. The guidance and messages he received from the Angels resonate as strong in today's world as they did when Mr.
Chakra (Sanskrit, "wheel") refers to the ancient Hindu concept of seven vortices of energy located on the spine from the tailbone to the crown of the head. These centers define the physical and spiritual contact points in the human body. In yoga they are bridges to higher consciousness symbolizing the journey from the material world to the divine.
The definitive edition of HPB's writings in 15 volumes. Volume 7 is from 1886 to 1887, and includes articles such as: 'Have Animals Souls?'; 'The Theosophical Mahatmas'; 'Ancient Magic and Modern Science'; 'Theories about Reincarnation and Spirits'; 'The Original Programme of the Theosophical Society'.
The definitive edition of HPB's writings in 15 volumes. Volume 10 is from 1888 to 1889, and includes articles such as: 'Psychology of Ancient Egypt'; 'Theosophy and Buddhism'; 'The Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society'; 'Is Theosophy a Religion?'; 'Dreams'.
Since ancient times, music has been a tool to express emotions, hopes, and inspirations. Scientific studies for years have proven the effectiveness of music on an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional state to such a degree that hospitals and other healthcare facilities have integrated music therapy into their daily treatment regimens.