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Templar sanctuaries in north america - sacred bloodlines and secret treasur

Many have searched for the lost treasure of the Knights Templar, most famously at Oak Island. But what if the treasure wasn't lost? What if this treasure - necessary to sanctify the Temple of Solomon and create a New Jerusalem - was moved through the centuries and protected by a sacred lineage of guardians, descendants of Prince Henry Sinclair and the Native American tribes who helped him?
€10.80 excl tax

Psychedelic Marine : A Transformational Journey from Afghanistan to the Amazon

After returning from a tour of duty during the war in Afghanistan, Alex Seymour needed a way to cope with the extremes he experienced as a member of the Royal Marine Commandos, losing 7 men in his unit and having his best friend critically injured by a Taliban bomb.
€9.30 excl tax

Complete king arthur - many faces, one hero

Few legends have had the enduring influence of those surrounding King Arthur. Many believe the stories are based on historical truth. For others Arthur represents the archetype of the brilliant monarch reigning over a fairy-tale kingdom, offering his knights the opportunity to prove their mettle in battle and find gnostic illumination through initiation into sacred mysteries like that of the ...
€13.60 excl tax

American freemasonry - its revolutionary history and challenging future

Freemasonry bears the imprint of the society in which it exists and Freemasonry in North America is no exception. While keeping close ties to French lodges until 1913, American Freemasonry was, also, deeply influenced by the experiences of many early American political leaders, leading to distinctive differences from European lodges.
€17.90 excl tax

Reclaiming Life After Trauma

Trauma is an inescapable part of living. The bad things that happen to us always leave after effects in both body and mind. While many people experience these after effects and move on, millions of others develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - a painful, chronic and debilitating barrier to happiness.
€9.30 excl tax

Templar heresy - a story of gnostic illumination

Set within the dramatic tableau of the mediaeval Crusades, this story of initiation, adventure and romance follows members of the Knights Templar and Assassins as they discover a mystical tradition with the potential to unify, protect and liberate humankind - the very heresy for which the Knights Templar were later condemned.
€9.30 excl tax

New Psychedelic Revolution : The Genesis of the Visionary Age

After the deaths of Jerry Garcia, Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey, it appeared that the psychedelic revolution of the 1960s had finally been suppressed. But the opposite was occurring, evident in the popularity of transformational festivals like Burning Man and BOOM!
€12.20 excl tax

Spiritual Meaning Of The Sixties

No decade in modern history has generated more controversy and divisiveness than the tumultuous 1960s. For some, the '60s were an era of free love, drugs and social revolution. For others, the Sixties were an ungodly rejection of all that was good and holy.
€18.60 excl tax

Fraternitas Saturni

The most influential magical group in Germany during the 20th century, the Fraternitas Saturni or Brotherhood of Saturn, is still the most active and important magical society in Germany today. But from its formal beginnings in 1926 in Weimar Berlin until around 1970 it was almost totally secret.
€10.80 excl tax

Jung, Buddhism, And The Incarnation Of Sophia

Henry Corbin (1903-1978) was one of the most important French philosophers and orientalists of the 20th century. In this collection of previously unpublished writings, Corbin examines the work of Carl Jung in relationship to the deep spiritual traditions of Eastern religion, the esoteric wisdom teachings of Sophia, the transformational symbolism of alchemy and Sufi mysticism.
€13.60 excl tax

Coca Wine

One of the oldest and most potent natural stimulants, the leaves of the coca plant is the organic source from which cocaine is synthesised. Fresh coca leaves and products made from them have verified medicinal and healing properties - and not the same addictive qualities or negative side effects as cocaine.
€17.90 excl tax

Psychedelic Mystery Traditions

Unbeknownst - or unacknowledged - by many, there is a long tradition of psychedelic magic and religion in Western civilisation. As Thomas Hatsis reveals, the discovery of the power of psychedelics and entheogens can be traced to the very first prehistoric expressions of human creativity, with a continuing lineage of psychedelic mystery traditions from antiquity through the Renaissance to the ...
€12.20 excl tax

Dancing With Raven And Bear

Drawing on both her Native American (Hopi) heritage and her Norwegian upbringing, renowned mystic and intuitive healer, Sonja Grace, shares original wisdom tales, received through her heart and soul, to take you on a journey into the magic of Raven and Bear and the healing power of Earth Medicine.
€7.20 excl tax

Enneagram Of Eating

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to adore food, while others find eating simply a need? Why some people just love to work out and others absolutely abhor anything to do with physical exercise? Why some love entertaining, while others would rather spend a quiet evening alone?
€9.30 excl tax

Seven Elemental Forces Of Huna

In the Huna tradition of Hawaii, there are seven elemental forces whose all-pervading energies flow around us in abundance. Each of us has the ability to easily tap into this rich source of energy to aid us in any situation, empower ourselves and our actions and manifest good things in our lives.
€9.30 excl tax

Mysterious Life And Faked Death Of Jesse James

The story of the notorious outlaw Jesse James's assassination at the hands of Robert Ford has been clouded with mystery ever since its inception. Now, James's great-great-grandchildren Daniel and Teresa Duke present the results of more than 20 years of exhaustive research into state and federal records, photographs, newspaper reports, diaries and a 1995 DNA test in search of the truth behind ...
€9.30 excl tax

Art of war - the quintessential collection of military strategy

Collected in this elegant volume are four of the most important and influential military and political treatises in history. Originally written for a specific purpose, the principles conveyed through these strategy texts are universal and timeless, and continue to illuminate and inspire.
€14.30 excl tax

Sagan conspiracy - nasas untold plot to supress the peoples scientistss the

Mainstream SETI (Search For Extra-terrestrial Intelligence) scientists and ancient alien theorists don't agree on much, but one opinion they share is that the undisputed authority on the possibility of alien existence was the late Carl Sagan (1934—1996), whose voluminous writings on the subject have had a profound influence on ETI research.
€9.30 excl tax