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Findhorn Press Ltd

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Pleiadian Soul Healing

€12.10 excl tax

Enlightenment through orbs

Intended as an introduction and initiation to a worldwide fascination, this experiential tool draws its conclusions from the careful scrutiny of thousands of digital photographs containing orbs—visible proof of the presence of angels in the form of ghostly spheres.
€12.80 excl tax

Living word

A pocket-sized book of short meditations given to Eileen for the deepening of her own spiritual life.
€7.10 excl tax

Footprints On The Path

FOOTPRINTS ON THE PATH contains gentle, but direct, messages of the kind which are most likely to turn the reader inside towards his or her own divine source. Eileen saw it as containing a complete teaching in how to live a spiritual life, which the reader can either follow step by step or dip into at random.
€9.20 excl tax

God spoke to me

The messages in this book ask us to have total faith in the process of living - to trust God, the universe, spirit, love, or whatever we choose to call the divine source. They affirm that there is an inherent wisdom and intelligence in everything, which can be contacted by turning within. Each one of us can do this and find God's still small voice for ourselves.
€5.00 excl tax

Australian bush flower essences

Using the healing properties of flower essences is an ancient art, spanning many cultures. Flower essences are safe and powerful catalysts than anyone can use. Not only do they bring clarity to the conscious mind and develop many intuitive abilities, but they also resolve negative beliefs and directly affect us at the level where we make decisions about our emotions, health, vitality and ...
€10.80 excl tax

Spirit Of Findhorn

Glimpses into the author's life and some of the guidance she received from the "God within" during Findhorn's early years.
€4.90 excl tax

Encyclopedia Of Ailments And Diseases

What if your body used a secret language to talk to you? What if an ailment or illness was your body's way to shout for help, to make you understand that you need to change your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and behaviours?
€17.80 excl tax

Cell Level Meditation

By simply looking at something, by becoming aware of it, you can change it. CELL LEVEL MEDITATION focuses awareness on the smallest unit of life for the purpose of healing. Using the timeless technique of combining awareness with the breath, you move into the cells and become them.
€9.20 excl tax

Our Spiritual Dna

After examining the lives of thousands of individuals across five thousand years, Carmel Niland saw patterns in behaviour, character traits, and life purpose that allowed her to connect each individual to specific Ascended Masters.
€10.70 excl tax

Last Ecstacy Of Life : Celtic Mysteries of Death and Dying

In the Celtic tradition dying is considered an act of birthing, of our consciousness passing from this life to the next. The role of an anam-áire is that of a midwife, a sacred guardian of life force, who supports a dying person by witnessing their journey.
€9.20 excl tax

Discover Your Crystal Family

Looking at the dynamics between crystals, humans, and the angelic kingdom, Kathryn Hudson explains why you might encounter crystals on your life path and shares her personal story of how a crystal gifted to her by a stranger helped her change the direction of her life.
€13.50 excl tax

Spiritual Healing In Hospitals And Clinics

Seven years after qualifying to become a spiritual healer, Sandy Edwards approached a consultant gastroenterologist at a city hospital and offered to give healing to his patients as a volunteer. She provided healing sessions alongside conventional medical treatments, documenting the effects in a scientific way, and the doctor was surprised at the overwhelmingly positive outcomes.
€10.70 excl tax

Healing Power Of Pleasure

Hidden just below the surface of ordinary everyday reality lies an abundance of pleasure and delight. By learning to look beyond your daily challenges, to ease your stressed mind and body, you can rediscover the magic, mystery, sensuality, and joy that is possible in everyday life.
€12.10 excl tax

Dancing With Raven And Bear

Drawing on both her Native American (Hopi) heritage and her Norwegian upbringing, renowned mystic and intuitive healer, Sonja Grace, shares original wisdom tales, received through her heart and soul, to take you on a journey into the magic of Raven and Bear and the healing power of Earth Medicine.
€7.10 excl tax

Out Of Your Comfort Zone

When was the last time you did something that scared you? The last time you really pushed your boundaries, took a risk and felt you not only bulldozed right through your fear, but, in fact, used it to propel you forward?
€9.20 excl tax

Enneagram Of Eating

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to adore food, while others find eating simply a need? Why some people just love to work out and others absolutely abhor anything to do with physical exercise? Why some love entertaining, while others would rather spend a quiet evening alone?
€9.20 excl tax

Mind Detox

Do you suffer from chronic physical or emotional conditions? Feel stuck with reoccurring patterns in your life? Don't know why you react the way you do and can't seem to help it? Much of our chronic conditions, repetitive behaviour and emotional problems can be traced to unresolved past events stuck in the unconscious mind and to unhealthy belief systems we developed in our past that are no ...
€9.20 excl tax

Learning To Love

Every person is born with the capacity to love. Over time, however, many of us have built barriers within ourselves as a reaction to painful experiences and following these, we often develop fears, beliefs and behaviour that keep these barriers firmly in place. The primary lesson in life is to learn to love and this starts right on our doorstep.
€7.10 excl tax

Encounters With Nature Spirits

Have you ever wished for something with your whole heart? As a child, R. Ogilvie Crombie (Roc) made a wish as he dropped a penny into a wishing well - he asked to be able to see fairies and talk to them.
€9.20 excl tax