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Childless Living

Not having children is on the rise in many countries across the globe. August 1st has been named International Childfree Day, with a Childfree Woman and Man of the Year Award. Yet being childless is a subject not much talked about - the focus tends to be on having families and raising children, in rural, town or city life.
€9.20 excl tax

Energy Medicine For Animals

Vibrational medicine offers a natural, effective and hands-on response to animal ailments and disturbances. In the absence of a shared language of “words,” energetic healing can connect a human more closely to an animal while at the same time working on the physical body, the chakras and the different layers of the animal's aura or energy field.
€9.20 excl tax

Anything Can Be Healed

Drawing on his own profound healing experience as a young man, Martin Brofman developed a system of healing that effectively and seamlessly blends Western psychology and Eastern philosophies: the Body Mirror System.
€10.70 excl tax

Quantum Akashic Field

Physicists have recently discovered a whole quantum-based reality, a multidimensional world where all potentials simultaneously exist. Called the Akashic Field by systems scientist Ervin Laszlo, it is the same quantum reality that mystics, shamans, and dowsers have been exploring for thousands of years through astral travel, spirit journeying, and energy work.
€9.20 excl tax

Energy Healer's Book Of Dying

Written by a highly skilled intuitive energy worker, this compassionate guide reveals what is happening energetically during the transition back to spirit and details how to provide support in any phase of losing a loved one: before death, during the dying process and afterward.
€9.20 excl tax

Gateways To The Soul : Inner Work for the Outer World

Humanity is in a great crisis of soul today, but there is also much good will around. As a species, we are challenged to start embracing a new story, one that enables us to be less greedy and materialistic and to espouse peace not war, kindness not cruelty and heart as opposed to indifference. What we need is to bring more soul into the world.
€10.70 excl tax

Know Your Blood, Know Your Health

Your blood holds the clues you need to maintain vibrant health. Yet a standard blood lab panel the most widely used diagnostic tool in Western medicine--may not reveal subclinical imbalances or the earliest beginnings of disease.
€9.20 excl tax

Deva : Our Relationship with the Subtle World

Nature spirits, faeries, gnomes and their higher angelic counterparts who overlight landscapes, mountains, rivers, and plants have held a fascination for people worldwide for countless generations. The Deva kingdom is essentially the world's form builders, the symphony at the heart of Creation, yet Deva is so much more than the joyful beings that animate what we call Nature.
€10.70 excl tax

Jin Shin Healing Touch : Quick Help for Common Ailments

A gentle self-help method for harmonising energy flow, strengthening the immune system and stimulating the body's self-healing response, Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese healing art akin to an easier form of acupressure.
€9.90 excl tax

Healing With Light Frequencies

Star Magic Healing aligns you with high-vibrational Consciousness Codes and extra-terrestrial light frequencies that expand your consciousness, shift your vibration and speed up the healing process. Present on Earth in ancient Egyptian times, these Codes will transform your inner world and, in turn, upgrade your external reality.
€10.70 excl tax

Energetic Cellular Healing And Cancer

As a complementary energy healer, Tjitze de Jong has supported hundreds of clients during their journey with cancer over the past 15 years. In ENERGETIC CELLULAR HEALING AND CANCER, he provides insight into the functioning of our cells and our immune system and how energetic distortions in our physical as well as energetic bodies, for example, in our chakras and auras, can lead to illness.
€9.20 excl tax

Twelve chakras

In the Golden Age of Atlantis, the people all had 12 operational chakras and 12 strands of DNA. It is time now for these to be re-instated. Diana Cooper explains the purpose of each one, how they operate and how to keep them open. Then she takes you into two life changing meditations to: ...
€5.90 excl tax

Codes Of Power Meditation (Cd)

Let the Angels Take You - to the Seventh Heaven - through the Portals of Abundance To the Seventh Heaven This meditation takes you through an extraordinary Lemurian initiation, called the Codes of Power, which prepares you for entry to the seventh dimension. When you enter the glorious seventh heaven, you will connect with angels, Archangels, angel dolphins and the pure white unicorns.
€7.10 excl tax

Unicorn meditation

Magnificent unicorns are visiting Earth now to return hope and dignity to humanity. These luminous creatures are part of the angelic hierarchy. Their horns are radiations of pure light, which can enlighten, inspire or heal. On this CD, Diana Cooper explains where unicorns come from, who they are and how they can help you. She leads you through two magical and inspiring meditations.
€5.90 excl tax

Karma release meditation

Let Angels set you free! Diana Cooper explains how chains and karmic restrictions from past lives can affect you and hold you back, and the positive influence on your health, happiness, relationships and spiritual growth when you release them. She gives you examples of people who have been helped by cutting the cords of the past.
€5.90 excl tax

Path Of Synchronicity : Align Yourself with Your Life's Flow

Synchronicity has often been explained away as pure chance, coincidence and luck. And yet for millions of people over the centuries these seemingly random events have been greeted as meaningful and people have chosen to act upon the intuitions that they had about these events. C.G.
€9.20 excl tax

In case of spiritual emergency - moving successfully through your awakening

'I found myself travelling back to the UK from Egypt in a wheelchair. What I had been through was so extreme, so overwhelming emotionally, psychologically and spiritually, that my body had gone into shock.' This is just one of the many traumatic experiences explored in this resource.
€7.80 excl tax

Spiritual Hunger: Integrating Myth & Ritual Into Daily Life

From daily activities such as work and eating to milestones such as graduation and marriage, this discussion debates the myths that guide lifestyles and questions why they exist in the first place.
€6.40 excl tax

Enlightened Dog Training

There is a secret language that dogs use, and you can learn it to understand and communicate with your pet, help resolve common behavioural issues, and transform your dog into a calm, intuitively obedient companion you can share your life with.
€9.20 excl tax

Art Of Thai Massage

Unlike most books about Thai massage, this guide offers a deep and insightful view of important and often neglected aspects of Thai bodywork. Many of the concepts presented in the book also apply to table massage, physical therapy, yoga, and other healing arts.
€13.50 excl tax