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Hampton Roads Publishing

Though we are not necessarily limited in scope, we are most interested in manuscripts on the following subjects: body/mind/spirit non-fiction, alternative health and healing, self-help with a spiritual bent, received wisdom, and religion and meditation from Eastern and Western traditions.

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Dalai Lama's Little Book Of Wisdom: The Essential Teachings

This gem, the sequel to The Dalai Lamaas Little Book of Inner Peace, contains the essence of the Dalai Lamaas teachings on life and death.
€9.20 excl tax

Power Of Compassion: Stories That Open The Heart, Heal The Soul & Change The World

Here are over forty first-person stories (contributors range from Surya Dass to Thich Nat Hanh to John F. Kennedy, Jr) that concretely demonstrate the dynamic power of compassion.
€8.70 excl tax

How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization: A Few People Can Change Human Evolution

Beginning with Taking the Quantum Leap by Fred Alan Wolf, there have been a number of books that have created new paradigms for integrating science and spirituality. These books have been long on theory and short on application. This represents something completely different for this genre.
€10.90 excl tax

Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting Playbook (Q) (Revised Edition)

This witty and practical guide to Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting is no ordinary workbook. The Playbook not only takes the reader well beyond the basic ground rule of deliberate creation as laid out in Excuse Me, but does so in a uniquely entertaining manner.
€15.20 excl tax

Myth Of The Great Ending: Why We've Been Longing For The End Of Days Since The Beginning Of Time

From Christian true believers in the Apocalypse and the Rapture, to New Age enthusiasts of prophecies concerning the year 2012, Doomsday lore has become a staple of our cultural life. Yet, no matter how many times the predicted end of the world fails to materialise, the belief remains robust.
€10.90 excl tax

Tuning In : A Journalist, 6 Trance Channelers and Messages from the Other Side

Journalist and filmmaker, David Thomas expands on his popular documentary 'Tuning In,' with the story behind the film. Thomas and his cameraman, Matthew Klinck, travel from California to Idaho, sharing their adventures and experiences as they film the channelers for the movie. We get to know both the filmmakers and the channelers as people, with a backstory and a history.
€12.50 excl tax

If God Is Your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats : Miracles Happen When You Let Go

The theme of this helpful gift book is that when we surrender our wills to a Higher Power our lives become less stressful, more focused and more open to the miraculous. In addition to her own stories, Gallagher draws on a wide range of material - pearls of wisdom, golden nuggets and priceless gems from Norman Vinicent Peale, Martin Luther King, Jr.
€10.00 excl tax

When God Steps In, Miracles Happen

Previously published as "Moments of Grace," this collection by the bestselling author of "Conversations with God" is comprised of stories of everyday folks who have experienced God touching their ...
€9.20 excl tax

How Good Can It Get? What I Learned From The Richest Man In The World

The secrets to true prosperity are revealed in this modern-day parable that examines many of our preconceived notions about money and our ability to create the good life. This is the story of Mr. Everit, the avuncular owner of a wheelbarrow factory and his management trainee who challenge us to overcome our fears, relax and enjoy the richness of life.
€8.10 excl tax

What The Animals Taught Me: Stories Of Love & Healing From A Farm Animal Sanctuary

Wishing to escape the urban rat race, freelance writer and editor, Stephanie Marohn, moved to rural northern California in 1993. Life was sweet. She was a busy freelancer. In return for reduced rent, she fed and cared for two horses and a donkey. Her life was full. And then, the farm animals started to appear: ...
€9.20 excl tax

Tell Me Something About Buddhism: Questions & Answers For The Curious Beginner (H)

This is the perfect beginner's guide to Buddhism. Organised in an easy to use Question and Answer format, Manuel answers the many common questions people have about Buddhism, such as: - "Do you have a book like the Bible or Koran?" - "What do Buddhists believe?" - "Are there core teachings?" - "Do you believe in a god?" - "Do some people have good karma and some bad?
€9.20 excl tax

Closer Than You Think : The Easy Guide to Connecting with Loved Ones on the Other Side

Have you lost someone you love and sensed they're trying to reach out, send signs or let you know they're okay? Have you wondered how you might have a clearer connection with them? Now you can with this easy guide to communicating with loved ones who have passed to the other side.
€9.20 excl tax

How To Pray Without Talking To God: Moment By Moment, Choice By Choice

Unity minister Linda Martella-Whitsett provides a new framework for thinking about prayer that will revolutionize the lives of readers everywhere.

€9.20 excl tax

Dalai Lama's Little Book Of Compassion (H)

Life is hard. Each of us face problems on a daily basis that often seem overwhelming and insoluble.

€7.90 excl tax

Beyond the secret - spiritual power and the law of attraction

The Law of Attraction tells us that we can have anything we want. Or does it? How do we know if we're using it for the right purpose?

€9.20 excl tax

Jesus, buddha, krishna, and lao tzu - the parallel sayings

This book organises hundreds of sayings attributed to Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and Lao Tzu into topics such as, "The Great Way" and God, Tao and Universal Mind" and assembles the sayings into four parallel columns for easy reference. Edited from over fifty ancient Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and Taoist texts, this book demonstrates the common thread that runs through all mystical traditions.
€13.60 excl tax

Natural Medicine Guide To Autism

As autism rates in children continue to rise parents are scrambling to find effective treatment methods. THE NATURAL MEDICINE GUIDE TO AUTISM offers answers by exploring a range of effective treatment options and the possibility of a positive outcome via natural medicine therapies.
€10.90 excl tax

Future memory

According to P.M.H. Atwater, one of the foremost investigators into near-death experiences, future memory allows people to “live” life in advance and remember the experience in detail when something triggers that memory. Atwater explains the unifying, and permanent, effect of that experience is a “brain shift” which she believes “may be at the very core of existence itself.
€14.70 excl tax