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Hampton Roads Publishing

Though we are not necessarily limited in scope, we are most interested in manuscripts on the following subjects: body/mind/spirit non-fiction, alternative health and healing, self-help with a spiritual bent, received wisdom, and religion and meditation from Eastern and Western traditions.

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Essential mystics, poets, saints, and sages - a wisdom treasury

This is the world bible for mystics, with entries from hundreds of men and women saints from all ages and religions. This volume stresses the beauty of religious language and mystical experience, including hundreds of entries from the greatest poets and mystics of all time. Included are selections from William Blake, Ramakrishna, Rumi, St.
€13.60 excl tax

Ufos, Ets And Alien Abductions : A Scientist Looks at the Evidence

This is a wide-ranging examination of all things off-planet. The book falls into three sections: 1. UFOs: evidence and belief between 1947 to 1965 Conclusion: Much of the official reaction to UFO sightings was a result of Cold War hysteria. 2. The changing nature of UFO phenomenon from 1965 to present Conclusion: ...
€12.50 excl tax

Freedom and resolve - finding your true home in the universe

This slim volume challenges readers to discover their place in the universe. Gangaji conveys the radical invitation to choose to wake up from the trance of who we think we are and experience the truth of who we really are. The invitation is to self-inquiry, the willingness to ask the questions: Who am I? What is here?
€8.10 excl tax

Sudden Awakening : Stop Your Mind, Open Your Heart, and Discover Your True Nature

Everybody wants to be happy. Unfortunately, relatively few achieve bliss. Eli Jaxon-Bear explores how it is possible to achieve lives filled with gratitude and love. True happiness and meaning are achieved, he asserts, when we: Wake up, Stop our Minds and Open our hearts.
€9.20 excl tax

My Life After Dying : How 9 Minutes in Heaven Taught Me How to Live on Earth

In December 1943, 20-year-old Army private George Ritchie died of pneumonia. Nine minutes later, he came back profoundly changed. What happened to him while his dead body lay under a sheet would change his life and that of his family, friends and patients.
€9.20 excl tax

Heaven is beautiful - how dying taught me that death is just the beginning

Based on the author's real-life story of dying on a mountain, this enthralling book combines the thrills of a wilderness adventure with the awe inspiring elements of a paranormal novel. In March of 1980, student, Peter Panagore. went ice climbing on the world-famous Lower Weeping Wall, along the Ice Fields Parkway in Alberta, Canada.
€10.90 excl tax

10 Prayers You Can't Live Without

In this inspirational “how-to” book, Guideposts executive editor Rick Hamlin shares ten real-life ways of praying to God. He draws on the practical insight he has gained from the everyday men and women in the pages of Guideposts magazine and from his own lifelong journey in prayer. He encourages readers to think of prayer as an ongoing conversation that God that should include everything.
€9.20 excl tax

Gifts of near-death experience - you dont have to die to experience your tr

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are common, well-documented and similar across cultures throughout the world. Current estimates are that between 4 and 15 percent of the world's population have had an NDE. Therefore, almost everyone has either had one or knows someone else who has had one.
€9.20 excl tax

Sacred america, sacred world - fulfilling our mission in service to all

Infused with visionary power, SACRED AMERICA, SACRED WORLD is a manifesto for America's evolution that is both political and deeply spiritual. It offers profound hope that America can grow beyond the current challenges and manifest its noblest destiny, which the book shows is rooted in sacred principles that transcend left or right political views.
€9.80 excl tax

Develop your esp - a quick and easy way to become psychic

Have you ever heard the telephone ring and known who was calling before anyone spoke? Or had a gut feeling about someone or something that ultimately proved true? Most of us ignore experiences like these because we can see no physical basis for believing in our dormant psychic abilities.
€8.10 excl tax

Psychics, healers, & mediums - a journalist, a road trip, and voices from t

People have been fascinated by those who claim to have extraordinary psychic abilities. The fascination has reached a fever pitch with the rise of modern media. It is safe to say that many of those who claim psychic abilities are either extraordinary frauds or extraordinarily deluded. But could some of them be legitimate?
€10.00 excl tax

Forgiveness book - healing the hurts we dont deserve

Forgiveness is the science of the heart - a discipline of discovering all the ways of being that will extend your love to the world and discarding all the ways that will not. This is a book about growing up, becoming whole, connecting to others and becoming comfortable in one's own skin. It is inspirational, healing and programmatic.
€8.70 excl tax

Astrology For Success : Make the Most of Your Sun Sign Potential

Some people see opportunities and go after them, while others let them slip away. How can you make the most out of your life and get what you want? ASTROLOGY FOR SUCCESS is a beginner's guide to sun sign astrology, with an emphasis on what your sign can tell you about your potential for achieving success. This book will help you identify goals and give you a road map for achieving them.
€9.20 excl tax

Fortune Teller's Handbook

For those who have wanted to try their hand at fortune-telling, this comprehensive sampler of divination strategies offers a thorough introduction to a wide range of options. From more elaborate systems such as numerology, palmistry and the I Ching to simpler dice and tea leaf reading, you'll come to understand the history and usage of these ancient arts.
€9.20 excl tax

Secrets of chinese divination - a beginners guide to 11 ancient oracle syst

Baffled by Chinese astrology? Confused by Feng Shui? Author, Sasha Fenton, delves into 11 major divination systems that are used in China, providing easily accessible introductions and instructions so the beginner can put these methods to use. Included are the following: ...
€9.20 excl tax

How To Live : What the Rule of St. Benedict Teaches Us About Happiness, Meaning, and Community

The Rule of St. Benedict (the rule) arose from an era when a great civilization was threatened by violence, economic forces that favored the wealthy, political leaders that lacked the trust of the public, and rampant xenophobia. The events that occurred in sixth-century Rome were much those like on the nightly news. Benedict was not a priest or religious official.
€9.20 excl tax

Irish curses, blessings, and toasts - a little book of wit, wisdom, and whi

“May the curse of Mary Malone and her nine blind illegitimate children chase you so far over the Hills of Damnation that the Lord himself can't find you with a telescope. “ The Irish are renowned for their unrivaled capacity to spin a yarn and tell a story. They have a singular gift for gab and delight in the art of conversation.
€8.60 excl tax

Sun Signs For Lovers

Whether you are looking for marriage, partnership or simply companionship, choosing a lover can be a tricky business. Attraction is a complicated matter of psychology, emotion and physicality; how do you know when you can trust your instincts? Many people have fallen in “love at first sight" and later found that such love didn't endure.
€8.10 excl tax


This book is a collection of Gibran's words on how to live. Here are his thoughts on what it means to live in community and solitude and what gives life meaning, along with his often prescient views on government, organised religion, wealth and commerce. Gibran's sensibility feels contemporary. He did not recognise any ultimate authority outside of the human soul: ...
€8.70 excl tax

Each journey begins with a single step - the taoist book of life

This is a book of guidance for life's journey rooted in the wisdom of ancient China. Best-selling author, Deng Ming-Dao, provides key poetic lines that distil the essence of Taoism, organising them in the form of a journey. The material here is drawn from three sources: The Tao Te Ching, The Yijing and 300 Tang Poems. Deng Ming-Dao writes: “We walk the Way each day.
€9.20 excl tax