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Hampton Roads Publishing

Though we are not necessarily limited in scope, we are most interested in manuscripts on the following subjects: body/mind/spirit non-fiction, alternative health and healing, self-help with a spiritual bent, received wisdom, and religion and meditation from Eastern and Western traditions.

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10 Prayers You Can't Live Without

In this inspirational “how-to” book, Guideposts executive editor Rick Hamlin shares ten real-life ways of praying to God. He draws on the practical insight he has gained from the everyday men and women in the pages of Guideposts magazine and from his own lifelong journey in prayer. He encourages readers to think of prayer as an ongoing conversation that God that should include everything.

Happy pocket full of money - expanded study edition - infinite wealth and a

It's Not Just About the Money True wealth is not about buckets of cash. True wealth is not about designer clothes. It is not about a new Mercedes. It is not about living in a palatial estate. True wealth, asserts David Gikandi, is about discovering value within yourself and value within other people.

Heaven is beautiful - how dying taught me that death is just the beginning

Based on the author's real-life story of dying on a mountain, this enthralling book combines the thrills of a wilderness adventure with the awe inspiring elements of a paranormal novel. In March of 1980, student, Peter Panagore. went ice climbing on the world-famous Lower Weeping Wall, along the Ice Fields Parkway in Alberta, Canada.

Sudden Awakening : Stop Your Mind, Open Your Heart, and Discover Your True Nature

Everybody wants to be happy. Unfortunately, relatively few achieve bliss. Eli Jaxon-Bear explores how it is possible to achieve lives filled with gratitude and love. True happiness and meaning are achieved, he asserts, when we: Wake up, Stop our Minds and Open our hearts.

My Life After Dying : How 9 Minutes in Heaven Taught Me How to Live on Earth

In December 1943, 20-year-old Army private George Ritchie died of pneumonia. Nine minutes later, he came back profoundly changed. What happened to him while his dead body lay under a sheet would change his life and that of his family, friends and patients.

Never Argue With A Dead Person : True and Unbelievable Stories from the Other Side

Manhattan Medium, Thomas John, has been hailed as “the Hollywood psychic with the highest batting average” by The Hollywood Reporter and a psychic medium with “an impressive connection that impresses even the most sceptical minds” by The Examiner. Now he shares what he's seen and heard on the Other Side. What happens when we die?

Divine Audacity : Dare to Be the Light of the World

This new thought manifesto challenges readers to follow Jesus' dictum that his followers should be “the light of the world.” What makes Martella-Whitsett's approach so refreshing is that it offers a path for those interested in living a deep and authentic life outside of the strictures of traditional religious categories.

Freedom and resolve - finding your true home in the universe

This slim volume challenges readers to discover their place in the universe. Gangaji conveys the radical invitation to choose to wake up from the trance of who we think we are and experience the truth of who we really are. The invitation is to self-inquiry, the willingness to ask the questions: Who am I? What is here?

Jumping : A Novel

JUMPING is a work of visionary fiction that begins with a nihilistic act. The main character, a young man, feels life's limits are killing him, drives to a remote area, walks 100 yards and leaps into a dark and mysterious chasm, known locally as the “Void.” Friends and family are stunned.

E.T. Chronicles : What Myths and Legends Tell Us About Human Origins

THE E.T. CHRONICLES grapples with the “big” questions such as “Who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here?” through a careful reading of world mythology. The authors organise these ancient stories into a chronology that starts with “in the beginning” and ends with the advent of civilisation in an effort to discover the true story of human origins.

Rumi, day by day

Here is a daily companion that provides Rumi's wisdom and spiritual insight. These poems have been selected on the basis of the poignancy of their message and their relevance to contemporary life.

My life contract - 90-day program for prioritizing goals, staying on track,

Contracts provide us with built-in accountability. They encourage us to keep our word to ourselves and to others. They provide clarity and help us to formulate concrete goals. They ensure that we avoid conflict, misunderstandings and disappointment. In short, contracts make success not only possible but entirely likely.

Only little prayer you need - the shortest route to a life of joy, abundanc

These six words - please heal my fear-based thoughts - change lives. In this brief and inspiring book, based on Engle's study of A Course in Miracles, she explains how to use the prayer and experience immediate benefits: ...

Jesus the magician - a renowned historian reveals how jesus was viewed by p

This book challenges traditional Christian teaching about Jesus. While his followers may have seen him as a man from heaven, preaching the good news and working miracles, Smith asserts that the truth about Jesus is more interesting and rather unsettling.

Unconventional Flying Objects : A Former NASA Scientist Explains How UFOs Really Work

"UNCONVENTIONAL FLYING OBJECTS is an excellent reference guide for the researcher, a wake-up call for the sceptic - and a great mystery story for all trying to understand how the UFOs can really work." —Robert Wood, from the foreword Paul Hill was a well-respected NASA scientist when, in the early 1950s, he had a UFO sighting.

INDUCED AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATION: A Miraculous Therapy For Grief & Loss (new edition)

Induced After Death Communication (IADC) is a therapy for grief and trauma that has helped thousands of people come to terms with their loss by allowing them the experience of private communication with their departed loved ones. This is the definitive book on the subject.

Children of a living universe - discovering our legacy will change our futu

This book is an articulate, well-researched, intelligent compilation of new and ancient data that explores the implications of the extraterrestrial origins of the human race. The primary stories of our origins (religious versions/Darwinism) are called into question when held against scientific evidence and recorded histories of many cultures. Among Ward's key ideas are: ...

Getting older better - the best advice ever on money, health, creativity, s

Baby boomers are turning 65 at the rate of 1,000's a day. And they're not their mothers' generation. Although we can learn from previous generations' books, our expectations and our circumstances have changed. This is the ultimate guide, filled with positive and practical advice for women for the second half of life.


One third of our lives are spent in the dream world where our subconscious carries messages about love, success and money that can help us in our waking life. THE ULTIMATE DICTIONARY OF DREAM LANGUAGE offers readers the ultimate guide to uncovering the secret meaning of their dreams.

The Future Is Yours : True Stories about Dowsing, Spontaneous Healing, Ghost Busting, and the Incredible Power of the Mind

If you keep on doing what you're doing, you're likely to keep on getting what you're getting. If you do nothing, nothing will happen. If you do something, something may happen. Here's how to do "something" so you won't keep on getting what you're getting!