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Hampton Roads Publishing

Though we are not necessarily limited in scope, we are most interested in manuscripts on the following subjects: body/mind/spirit non-fiction, alternative health and healing, self-help with a spiritual bent, received wisdom, and religion and meditation from Eastern and Western traditions.

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Little book of mystical secrets - rumi, shams of tabriz, and the path of ec

At long last, an accessible little book that focuses on the teachings of Rumi’s teacher and inspiration, Shams of Tabriz. Included in this slim, charming volume is a biographical sketch of the great Sufi teacher and mystic and a new translation of 500 of his core teachings that bring into fresh focus the meaning and mysteries of life and love.
€7.90 excl tax

Little book of sufi stories - ancient wisdom to nourish the heart

The 60-short tales in THE LITTLE BOOK OF SUFI STORIES reflect a variety of principles, values, and ideas that are held by the Sufi mystical tradition. Like a Zen koan, a Sufi story allows wisdom to arise from within. The stories in this book are drawn from the dozens the author has enjoyed telling in his seminars over the past 20 years.
€8.80 excl tax

Tea Leaf Reading

The leaves left at the bottom of the cup of tea can form symbols and images--much like the shapes we often see in cloud formations--that can be interpreted by the tea leaf reader. This easy-to-use guide book will teach you how to prepare a cup of tea for reading and provides an extensive alphabetical reference list of the meaning(s) of almost any shape you find at the bottom of a tea cup.
€8.40 excl tax

Little book of dream symbols - the essential guide to over 700 of the most

Did you know that a dream about a blanket can either be a warning to guard your investments or a sign that you can expect financial gain - depending on the context? Or that a dream about lightning generally precedes good luck?
€8.40 excl tax

Kahlil Gibran's Little Book Of Love

Kahlil Gibran's aphorisms, stories and poetry on a theme remain among some of those best known to Western readers. His views, however, extend beyond the most-quoted “greeting card” sayings to a wide realm of human emotions and relationships - passion, desire, idealised love, justice, friendship and the challenges of dealing with strangers, neighbours and enemies.
€8.80 excl tax

How to Live a Happily Ever Afterlife

€8.40 excl tax

Awake Dreamer

In the world of dreams, inventors have discovered techniques to solve problems, scientists have conjured new medicines to heal the sick, artists have created poetry, plays, and songs. Many people have reported being visited by loved ones in heaven to bring messages of healing or warnings to prevent an upcoming disaster.
€9.40 excl tax

Game Of Life And How To Play It

This study edition of one of the most influential self-help books of the last hundred years makes Shinn's principles relevant to 21st-century readers.  Shinn begins with the following statement: “Most people consider life a battle. It's not a battle. . . . It's a game. And like most games, it can't be played successfully without understanding the rules.
€7.90 excl tax

Little soul and the earth - a childrens parable adapted from conversations

Once upon no time there was a Little Soul . . .And this Little Soul wanted to understand forgiveness. Except the Little Soul didn't just want to understand forgiveness - the Little Soul wanted to experience forgiveness and know what it felt like to forgive another. So God helped in the best of all possible ways: ...
€11.10 excl tax

Little soul and the sun - a childrens parable

"Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations with God series has enjoyed boundless success, making his dialogue with God accessible to a worldwide audience of adults.
€11.10 excl tax

Cannabis : A Beginer's Guide to Growing Marijuana

This is the most accessible, attractive, and easy-to-use beginner's guide to growing marijuana. In only 144 illustrated pages, High Times editor, Danny Danko, covers the basics of successful pot cultivation. This book is a primer that covers: ...
€9.40 excl tax

The Tiny Book of Big Manifesting

€7.20 excl tax

Attract Wealth : Take Charge of Your Life

The premise of this book is that you are meant to lead a free, radiant, and wealth-filled life; that you deserve to have all the money you want or need. Great riches are within your grasp and can be accessed through the vast untapped resources of your mind. This New Thought classic text is a wealth primer that encourages you to harness the power of your unconscious mind to: ...
€5.50 excl tax

Meister Eckhart's Book Of Darkness & Light

Meister Eckhart has been a huge influence on spirituality for more than 800  years, including to philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, Eckhart Tolle, Richard Rohr, D. T. Suzuki, Rudolf Steiner, and Matthew Fox—all crediting Eckhart as being an important influence on their thought.  This book of Meister Eckhart meditations is for people seeking the “wayless way.
€9.40 excl tax

Book Of Rumi

This fresh prose translation of 105 short teaching stories by Rumi, which form the core of the six-volume Masnavi, explores the hidden spiritual aspects of everyday experience. Rumi transforms the seemingly mundane events of daily life into profound Sufi teaching moments. These prose gems open the mystical portal to the world of the ancient mystic.
€10.50 excl tax

Out Of Your Hands

OUT OF YOUR HANDS provides a complete guide to deciphering all aspects of the hand: its shape, palmar lines and fingerprints. Beleta not only provides practical interpretations such as personality traits and relationship prospects, but, also, discusses the markings on the hand that provide mystic insights.
€7.50 excl tax

Practical psychic self-defense handbook - a survival guide

Is everything that goes on in your mind really you? Perhaps not, says Australian psychic researcher Robert Bruce. Drawing on more than two decades of firsthand research and experience, Bruce reports that our minds are subject to influences from many unseen spiritual sources. Some of these can influence how we think, feel, act and even how our bodies function.
€12.20 excl tax

Reading The Runes : A Beginner's Guide

This is an all-round manual for those who want to read the runes for personal guidance or even as part of a professional consultant's package of divinatory skills. READING THE RUNES includes the official rune course material for the British Astrological and Psychic Society. It covers the history, mythology and meaning behind each rune and explains combinations within readings.
€9.40 excl tax

Happy pocket full of money - expanded study edition - infinite wealth and a

It's Not Just About the Money True wealth is not about buckets of cash. True wealth is not about designer clothes. It is not about a new Mercedes. It is not about living in a palatial estate. True wealth, asserts David Gikandi, is about discovering value within yourself and value within other people.
€9.40 excl tax

Only little prayer you need - the shortest route to a life of joy, abundanc

These six words - please heal my fear-based thoughts - change lives. In this brief and inspiring book, based on Engle's study of A Course in Miracles, she explains how to use the prayer and experience immediate benefits: ...
€8.40 excl tax