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Hampton Roads Publishing

Though we are not necessarily limited in scope, we are most interested in manuscripts on the following subjects: body/mind/spirit non-fiction, alternative health and healing, self-help with a spiritual bent, received wisdom, and religion and meditation from Eastern and Western traditions.

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Easy Does It Medtation Book And Recovery Flash Cards (Includes 52-Card Deck & Book)

An essential tool for embracing the challenges of recovery, this box set contains a pack of 52 cards with 12-step wisdom and a book of challenging and comforting meditations, one for every day of the ...
€9.40 excl tax

Rumi, day by day

Here is a daily companion that provides Rumi's wisdom and spiritual insight. These poems have been selected on the basis of the poignancy of their message and their relevance to contemporary life.
€8.30 excl tax

Rumis little book of life - the garden of the soul, the heart, and the spir

From Madonna to Deepak Chopra, celebrities have been recording and embracing Rumi's poetry for the past two decades, creating a resurgence of interest in this 13th century Sufi mystic.

€8.30 excl tax

Dreams 1-2-3 : Remember, Interpret, and Live Your Dreams

Brimming with engaging examples and stories drawn from J. M. DeBord's extensive work as a dream worker, DREAMS 1-2-3, also, includes selections from the hundreds of dreams he has helped interpret at's dream forum, a popular online site with more than 4,000 subscribers. DeBord offers an easy to use three-step process for tapping your dreams to improve your life: · Step One: ...
€9.40 excl tax

Meister eckharts book of the heart - meditations for the restless soul

Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) was a priest, a mystic and nearly a heretic (he died before the Church court's verdict). In recent centuries the Roman Catholic establishment has rehabilitated him and the late John Paul II spoke of his work with fondness.
€9.40 excl tax

Astrology, plain and simple - the only book youll ever need

Everyone reads their horoscope in the newspaper and online; however few really understand very much about astrology. To the uninitiated, astrology can seem rather daunting. All those measurements, degrees, and logarithms--what's simple about it? This wonderful introduction demystifies a topic that everyone knows a little bit about and provides a basic framework for understanding it.
€8.60 excl tax

Rumi's Little Book Of Wisdom

This is a collection of inspirational wisdom for living a meaningful and productive life. The selection of quotations is chosen to reflect Rumi's inspiring and uplifting approach to life and address the inevitable issues that we encounter during our lifetimes. Here, Rumi talks directly to us, just as he did to his contemporaries 800 years ago.
€8.80 excl tax

Jesus the magician - a renowned historian reveals how jesus was viewed by p

This book challenges traditional Christian teaching about Jesus. While his followers may have seen him as a man from heaven, preaching the good news and working miracles, Smith asserts that the truth about Jesus is more interesting and rather unsettling.
€13.80 excl tax

Unconventional Flying Objects : A Former NASA Scientist Explains How UFOs Really Work

"UNCONVENTIONAL FLYING OBJECTS is an excellent reference guide for the researcher, a wake-up call for the sceptic - and a great mystery story for all trying to understand how the UFOs can really work." —Robert Wood, from the foreword Paul Hill was a well-respected NASA scientist when, in the early 1950s, he had a UFO sighting.
€19.30 excl tax

Alchemy Of Nine Dimensions: The 2011/2012 Prophecies & Nine Dimensions Of Consciousness (New Edition

Here, in this sequel to their best-selling underground classic, The Pleiadian Agenda, the Clow's outline their theory of nine dimensions of human consciousness and how those nine dimensions have become essential to our evolutionary survival.
€12.30 excl tax

Kahlil gibrans little book of life

For the past 80 years, the beautiful words of the Lebanese-American poet Kahlil Gibran have graced everything from greeting cards and wedding invitations to inspirational wall hangings and corporate motivational literature. By one account, Gibran is the third best-selling poet of all time, after Shakespeare and Lao Tzu.
€8.80 excl tax

Fortune Telling With Playing Cards

There is a certain romance attached to playing cards: from the riverboat gamblers on the Mississippi to genteel parlour games and the current popular surge in poker tournaments. How many of us while away our bored moments with a game of solitaire? This user-friendly, easy-to-use guide will show you how to turn an ordinary deck of cards into a fun and simple tool for telling the future.
€7.90 excl tax

Revelations Of The Aramaic Jesus

From the Introduction: “The challenges we face today are not in essence different from those of our ancestors: relationships, love, knowledge, work, and purpose still claim our main attention. Yet the implications of these challenges for the survival of humanity and the planet seem more acute.
€11.00 excl tax

The Way of the Empath

€7.90 excl tax

Astral dynamics - the complete book of out-of-body experiences

Astral projection is a technique that lets your soul explore the universe while leaving your body behind. It's been a topic of endless speculation. If you've ever wanted to try it, Astral Dynamics is the perfect guide for you. Astral Dynamics will teach you everything you need to know to accomplish successful out-of-body travel.
€12.40 excl tax

Energy Work: The Secrets Of Healing & Spiritual Growth (New Edition)

Robert Bruce presents an immediate, simple, easy to learn, step-by-step approach to self-healing. He explains how to use tactile imaging, based on one's sense of touch, rather than visualization, to stimulate the flow of vital energy throughout the body. It is a system that anyone can do, regardless of age, health, or previous experience.
€10.50 excl tax

Quantum doctor - a quantum physicist explains the healing power of integral

In this new edition of THE QUANTUM DOCTOR, Goswami boldly reinterprets the leading methods of alternative medicine - homoeopathy, Chinese medicine, acupuncture and Ayurveda and conventional medicine. He shows how these seemingly different models can be combined into a new system of integral medicine and offers profound insights into the relationship between physics and consciousness.
€12.40 excl tax

Let your spirit guides speak - a simple guide for a life of purpose, abunda

"Live without your spirit guides and you miss out on an enormous support system that could make your life infinitely easier and more enjoyable." This is a clear and thoughtful introduction to building relationships with your spirit guides.
€8.40 excl tax

Enneagram Guide To Waking Up

This is a personal transformation book rooted in the wisdom of the Enneagram system of personality types. It is a book about waking up and growing into the best version of yourself. It is a book that shows you how to discover who you are and what you can be. It is a book about finding your path, facing your shadow, and discovering your true self. It is a good news–bad news–good news story.
€11.00 excl tax

Don'T Just Sit There, Do Nothing

Here are 47 inspirational pieces that are smart, hip, accessible, and rich with insight; Jessie Asya Kanzer's bite-sized stories of struggle, triumph, and contemplation based on sharp observations and anecdotes from her own life, provide a quick burst of mindfulness.
€9.40 excl tax