I didn't believe in time travel or teleportation until it happened to me.
I'm Bruce Gernon, and I flew through the heart of the Bermuda Triangle before I'd even heard the term. Sceptics have dismissed the Triangle as a non-mystery, but they weren't in my airplane when the fog surrounded my craft and I leapt ahead 100 miles. I documented what happened and memorised every detail of that flight.
Why are we here on this planet? What happens when we die? Is there such a thing as karma? Is there an afterlife? Is there a secret to healing the physical body?
Those were the mysteries James Schwartz set out to answer in ONE VOICE, SACRED WISDOM, a ground-breaking exploration of spiritual questions we have all pondered.
As we approach the 70th anniversary of the most significant UFO event of all time, best-selling author, Donald R. Schmitt, takes a fresh look at the renowned incident. Previous books on Roswell, including his, have focused on the witnesses, their families and the history of the case. COVER-UP AT ROSWELL catalogues the extreme measures the U.S. Government exercised to suppress the truth.
The UFO landing at Socorro has been wrapped in controversy almost from the moment that police officer, Lonnie Zamora, watched a craft descend and land. Zamora saw alien beings near the craft and a symbol on its side but was told that he shouldn't mention either.
You've just lain down for the night when suddenly doors slam and the curtains shift. The lights begin to flicker and a white mist forms in front of you. You shut your eyes and keep muttering, “ghosts aren't real.” But then you open your eyes and realise that “harmless” mist has shifted into the form of a man, staring intensely at you, as he floats above your bed.
THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF SPIRIT is the culmination of award-winning author and psychic medium, William Stillman's, wisdom and insights in a fascinating exploration of the sometimes blatant, sometimes hidden spiritual symbolism in our everyday lives.
Do you wake up every night and see 11:11 on the clock? Or 3:33? 4:44? Does the same number sequence seem to appear throughout your life over and over? Did you know that millions of people all over the world experience the same phenomenon?
For more than 70 years, the crash at Roswell and its ensuing controversies and cover-ups have been investigated and yet despite continually mounting evidence there are still disbelievers. ROSWELL: THE ULTIMATE COLD CASE is Carey and Schmitt's final and commanding word on the case in which they declare victory once and for all.
EXOGENESIS: HYBRID HUMANS offers a deep dive into the strongest ever scientific evidence that supports the popular belief that Earth has been visited in prehistory, but goes even further, concluding that there is also compelling evidence of alien involvement with the human genome.
THE MARTIANS is an in-depth study of the theory that Mars was once a world that teemed with life. Perhaps, even, life not too dissimilar to ours. Incredibly, the Martians may still be there. Alive. The questions that this book asks and answers include the following:
· What kind of society did the Martians have?
· What caused their world to become harsh and desertlike?
The deep state exists without a doubt and it has perpetrated a consistent mission to hide, obscure, and delete information as it pertains to UFOs and alien interactions. Should unelected officials be making the decisions on disclosure? Has a secret space program been developing technologies not of this world for decades? What have the U.S. Air Force and other agencies been hiding?
Sages and mystics throughout the centuries have sought inspiration in the wildness of nature. This little book gathers the sayings and stories of the women and men who have sunk their roots deep into inner retreat and brought forth wisdom for all times and peoples.
Some people believe they are absolutely typical of their sun sign, while others see little of themselves in the descriptions given in most astrology books.
Written for beginners as well as astrology students, this informative volume explains why one sun sign can include many different personalities.
This small book provides a blueprint for a life beyond your wildest dreams. It is a primer for achieving wealth, loaded with the most salient prosperity wisdom of the last hundred years. The content is further enhanced by thoughtful exercises that will help readers in their personal success journeys.
Designed specifically for women, this book will introduce the system of Ayurvedic medicine, one of the most ancient and holistic forms of medicine known in human history. Developed in India over 5,000 years ago, Ayurveda is a complete system for healing and rebalancing the body.
This is a book about healing your whole self; a book about becoming conscious and discovering the eternal and unbreakable you. The authors take readers on a journey of discovery; a journey in which each reader will discover tools for their wholeness and personal power. The authors focus on seven topics: ...
AND THE PROPHET SAID is a new complete gift edition of Gibran's classic text with over 150 newly discovered poems, aphorisms and epigrams.
Originally published in 1923 by Knopf, The Prophet is a teaching fable that has been cherished by millions for nearly 100 years. It is a book of wisdom that provides guidance for readers on how to live a life imbued with meaning and purpose.
Built in 1847 on the banks of the Ohio River, the Bellaire House is reputed to be one of the most haunted houses in America. Since the early twentieth century it has earned a reputation as a hotbed of paranormal activity, with reports of apparitions, curses, psychic assaults, and violence.
In 1999, Neale Donald Walsch wrote three little books, each focusing on different areas of life: Neale Donald Walsch on Relationships, Neale Donald Walsch on Holistic Living, and Neale Donald Walsch on Abundance and Right Livelihood. In 2010, these three books were published in a single volume as Neale Donald Walsch's Little Book of Life.