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Roar Of Silence : Healing Powers of Breath, Tone and Music

The therapeutic power of sound is inherent in everyone. Breath, tone, and music are explored through meditations and exercises by the bestselling author of The Mozart Effect. Don guides us into the world of overtoning and chanting, awakening vibratory awareness by exploring the energy beneath sound.

Facing codependence - what it is, where it comes from, how it sabotages our

Pia Mellody creates a framework for identifying codependent thinking, emotions and behaviour and provides an effective approach to recovery. Mellody sets forth five primary adult symptoms of this crippling condition, then traces their origin to emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical and sexual abuses that occur in childhood.

Ra material - an ancient astronaut speaks (book one)

Who are the ancient astronauts? Why did they first come to Earth? Why are they returning now? What part did they play in building the great monuments of antiquity? What part did they play in the formation of present and earlier civilizations? With what other beings do we share our universe? And where does the Earth fit into the cosmic scheme of things?

Arabic Parts In Astrology: Lost Key To Prediction

Dating from antiquity, the doctrine of the Arabic parts, virtually lost to Western astrological practice since the 17th century, enables the astrologer to investigate the "inner" meaning of the ...

Body has its reasons - self-awareness through conscious movement

Gentle "anti-exercises" help develop the body's freedom of movement, release constraints, and reawaken dormant muscles. By using the appropriate energy for each techniques, relief can be found for a multitude of ills. At the same time senses can be awakened and perceptions sharpened.

Chakras And The Human Energy Fields

A presentation of experimental evidence that illness can be seen in the subtle energy fields of the body. Fascinating case studies of actual patients show that clairvoyant observation can diagnose disease and even reveal potential illness before it manifests in physical symptoms.

Witches' God: Lord Of The Dance

Exploring the Masculine Principle of Divinity This companion volume to The Witches' Goddess re-establishes the ancient balance between God and Goddess.

Game Of Life Affirmation And Inspiration Cards (52 Card Deck

With these powerful cards, you can now keep the positive words of The Game of Life with you everyday as you set your course to success

Practical guide to the runes - their uses in divination and magick

With over 200,000 sold, this guidebook will help you discover the oracular nature of the runes and how to use them as a magickal tool for insight, protection, and luck.

Wheel of the Year: Living the Magical Life

Discover the ancient lore, household techniques, and spiritual wisdom that will help turn every day into a time of magic, respect for all, and love of the Goddess, when you get Wheel of the Year by ...

Be as you are - the teachings of sri ramana maharshi

'Our own Self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world' The simple but powerful teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of India's most revered spiritual masters, continue to enlighten and enrich over sixty years after his death.