The first vegan holiday cookbook from professional chefs, this gorgeous book elevates plant-based fare to a new level with fresh, inventive recipes that blend favorite traditions with a modern sensibility.
Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do papers still accumulate like snowdrifts and clothes pile up like a tangled mess of noodles?
Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you'll never have to do it again.
Davis exposes the harmful effects of what is actually a product of genetic tinkering and agribusiness being sold to the American public as "wheat"--and provides readers with a user-friendly, ...
Celebrated author of The Green Beauty Guide Julie Gabriel presents a comprehensive yet simple book thatbrings all four corners of the natural beauty paradigm together: natural skincare, holistic nutrition, stress-relief, and healthy lifestyle.
If you are inspired to take up his challenge, the Karmapa offers a path for participating in a global community that is based on compassion. In these chapters, he shares his vision for bringing social action into daily life, on a scale we can realistically manage through the choices we make every day
The book includes an overview of the unique tradition of Buddhist yoga; presentations on the three foundational principles of renunciation, compassionate bodhichitta, and the profound view of reality; and an explanation of the three aspects—body, mind, and subtle body—that comprise our whole being.
A fresh English translation laid out facing the original Sanskrit for easy reference and accompanied by a wealth of essential ancillary materials that make this book a complete course on the Bhagavad-Gita in a single volume.