There is a space within you where you are already perfect, whole and complete. Every problem we have in life is the result of losing our bearings and getting caught up in the content of our own thinking; the solution to every one of those problems is to find our way back home. This is both the invitation and the promise of this book.
Few of us have lived through the kind of suffering Teal Swan endured: 13 years of ritual abuse at the hands of a cult. But all of us have been fractured by trauma in one way or another. Your wounds may be visible as bodily scars; or they may show up in the form of anxiety, depression or PTSD; or you may simply be struggling in your life for reasons you simply don't understand.
Have you ever dreamed of a life full of laughter, love and sequins... but felt totally clueless about how to make it happen? In this book, the author recounts how she turned her life around from self-destruction to self-love, and shows how you can do the same.
In this inspirational work, best-selling author and lecturer Wayne W. Dyer shows you how to restore balance in your life by offering nine principles for realigning your thoughts so that they correspond to your highest desires.
Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, unsure of which way to turn? Maybe you reached a fork in the road and felt overwhelmed by the choices before you. Or perhaps you felt stuck, held back by the fear of making the wrong decision - with one foot rooted firmly in the past and the other dangling into the unknown.
Can you be both a spiritual seeker and a seeker after success in the world? Bestselling author and teacher Alan Cohen says yes.
In coaching and leading seminars for thousands of people over many years, Alan has identified three groups of people who struggle with issues of money, prosperity and spiritual life.
52 inspiring messages to help you open up to the power of the Universe
This inspiring 52-card deck offers spiritual guidance to help you find strength when you are down, synchronicity and support when you are lost, safety in the face of uncertainty, and joy in all circumstances. Now it is in your hands.