Over the past twenty-five years A. H. Almaas—widely recognized as a leader in integrating spirituality and psychology—has been developing and teaching the Diamond Approach, a spiritual path that integrates the insights of Sufism, Buddhism, Gurdjieff, and other wisdom traditions with modern psychology.
TUNE INTO LOVE offers readers an exciting new process to bring in the loving partner they seek. By using the technique described in the book known as Vibrational Matching the reader will attract exactly the right person at the right time in their life.
A care-giving crisis is confronting us as baby boomers hit their sixties and the questions arise: Who's going to help and who's going to pay? Part memoir part recovery manual BRAIN HEAL THYSELF may well act as a guidebook to thousands of unexpected caregivers.
EXCUSE ME, YOUR GOD IS WAITING reinvigorates two powerful teachings about living the secret of a life closer to God, filled with love, joy and miracles. Conversations with God revolutionised the thoughts of millions by explaining how God wants us to create our lives and become the magnificent, powerful spiritual beings God intended.
From its opening lines, "We're not meant to be happy, we're meant to grow," THE POWER OF ADVERSITY gives concise, concrete and inspirational instructions that show us how to change our approach to adversity. In short, stop seeing problems and start seeing opportunities.
This fun and accessible guide presents clear and concise ways that you can begin —-right now—- to live a happier and more meaningful life. You will learn how to feel more peaceful and be more productive by replacing the automatic ways you react with new perceptions of yourself and the world.
Many fans of the Law of Attraction have expressed frustrations about their inability to incorporate those teachings into their daily lives. This is the book that will allay their anxiety.
Have you already discovered the Law of Attraction but still experience difficulty achieving all you desire in life? THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, PLAIN AND SIMPLE provides eleven steps that will help you master and apply this ancient and universal law. Ricotti - in plain and simple English - provides a framework for thinking about the L.o.A.
This accessible guide simplifies the complex subject of how your thinking creates your life. You'll delight in learning how thought works and how your thoughts connect you with the universe. You'll, also, discover why so many people place such a strong emphasis on the power of thought, on the influence of beliefs and on a positive attitude.
This witty and practical guide to Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting is no ordinary workbook. The Playbook not only takes the reader well beyond the basic ground rule of deliberate creation as laid out in Excuse Me, but does so in a uniquely entertaining manner.