The early Christian Gnosis did not spring up in isolation, but drew upon earlier sources. In this book, many of these sources are revealed for the first time. Special emphasis is placed on the Hellenistic doctrine of the "Solar Logos" and the early Christian symbolism which depicted Christ as the Spiritual Sun, the illumination source of order, harmony and spiritual insight.
Heinberg presents an accessible, engaging tool to help people enrich their lives through the observance of ancient, astronomically determined Earth festivals.
In this insightful interpretation of the Holy Bible, the profound spiritual and power-bestowing truths of the sacred language of such Old Testament stories as 'the Creation', 'the Flood and Tower', 'the Life of Joseph as a Mystery Drama', and 'Moses and the Exodus' are liberated from their cryptic enclosure. The second of a two-part abridgement, published in 1994.
The ancients believed that music had the power sublimely to evolve or utterly to degrade the human psyche. Modern researchers have shown that music can exert a powerful influence on health, the state of mind, the emotions, and the physical body. Beethoven thoroughly understood this. Even in childhood he was aware of the inner power of music-its power to transform consciousness.
Those who love poetry will appreciate the wildly metaphysical, allegorical, and yet intensely honest and personal songs of the eighteenth-century poet and saint Ramprasad. These songs vividly present the mystery of the Feminine Divine, an intimate experience of the Mother, and a vast play of energy sustained by the Goddess Kali.
With a forward by Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., R.N., and author of Therapeutic Touch, Dora Kunz, codeveloper of the healing method of Therapeutic Touch, presents the thoughts of physicians and other healers on the spiritual dimensions of medical treatment. In this updated version of a classic among holistic health manuals, accomplished healers including Bernie Siegel, M.D., and Larry Dossey, M.D.
Neurospeak can change the body, the consciousness, and the very essence of the being. Leading pioneer of consciousness research Robert Masters provides a revolutionary technique -- or body game -- that addresses the nervous system through the written word to elicit changes in muscles, body organs, and conceivably the mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of life.
New technology, industry and commerce have spawned the global interdependency of all people, making us our brothers' keepers by necessity, asserts author Anna Lemkow in this exciting demonstration of the reality of Wholeness as a universal principle. She offers integrative approaches to religion, philosophy, science and world affairs that can help shape a bright future.
Creating a sensation when it was first published in 1877, the first major work by the young Russian noblewoman who would found the Theosophical Society devoted 1200 pages to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. This new edition abridged by Theosophical scholar Michael Gomes breathes fresh life into this classic of Western esoteric thinking.
'Every age has its visionaries. Bede Griffiths, the gentle Benedictine monk who traveled to India to seek the other half of his soul was one such spiritual giant. Like Mother Teresa and Thich Nhat Hanh, Father Bede's spirituality transcends sectarian labels. His Shantivanam ("Forest of Peace") monastery in India is Christian in faith but Hindu in lifestyle.
Certain types of music can enhance intellectual and spiritual powers and help overcome insomnia, boredom, anger, and stress. Music therapist and teacher Hal Lingerman presents a wealth of resources for choosing just the right music for physical, emotional and spiritual growth and healing.
A thrilling retelling by master storyteller Jean Houston of the legendary exploits of the founder of the Iroquois Confederacy, known as the Peacemaker. Under his leadership they created a peaceful democracy among five tribes of Native peoples in the northeastern woodlands.
In quiet moments of reflection, we have all been moved to ask: Why was I born in this time and not another? Why in this country, to this family, with this body? For Theosophy, as for Hinduism and Buddhism, answers to these questions can be found in the concept of infinite life.
For thousands of years, stories have been told about an inaccessible garden paradise hidden among the icy peaks and secluded valleys of the Himalayas. Called by some Shangri-la, this mythical kingdom, where the pure at heart live forever among jewel lakes, wish-fulfilling trees, and speaking stones, has fired the imagination of both actual explorers and mystical travellers to the inner realms.
Though many books are available on the 22 major Tarot cards, few look in depth at the 56 Minor Arcana, or suit cards. Simple, accessible, and easy to understand, these "overlooked mirrors" of everyday life can help us access our inner knowing and learn more about ourselves.
Normandi Ellis brings her rich understanding of Egypt's sacred past to the first book to recover from original sources the history, myths, and pageantry of ancient festivals to Isis, Hathor, and other Egyptian goddesses.
This updated edition of the classic mind training exercises that became the bible of consciousness exploration for a generation extends the usefulness of the "games" into corporate, educational, therapeutic, and community settings.
Revised and updated. A revolutionary program of psychophysical exercises that can literally change our bodies, teaching us more pleasurable and efficient ways of functioning. Gentle movements integrating mind and body help us to move with greater ease and grace, quicken reflexes, improve body sensing, enhance physical and mental performance, and even reduce the effects of aging.
All the great geniuses of the world have at least one thing in common---the ability to visualize powerful images. Einstein came up with great theories through images of physical light. Brahms visualized the inner light before he composed. Great business leaders always report they began their enterprises with a vision.