Presenting a wider scope than traditional how-to books on Thai Massage, this authoritative study uncovers a wealth of previously unavailable information on the historical, spiritual and cultural connections to this powerful healing art.
Featuring stunning colour illustrations of the energy of human organs and other body parts, this book is perfect for anyone interested in learning about the self-healing properties of the body and the psychic, emotional and physical elements central to existence.
In this overview of traditional Thai medicine, both the theory and the practical application of Thai cuisine, bodywork and herbal medicine are explored. Thai herbs are part of a vibrant culture of healing that has been practised and preserved over the centuries and some of these have now been recognised as an important facet of the health care.
A practical book written for both health professionals and the layperson, this newly revised guide deconstructs common myths about the use of massage in cancer treatment. Reviewing literature that shows cancer to be caused by genetic mutation and the influence of hormones, the opening discussion emphasises that mechanical action such as massage does not break tumours open or cause them to spread.
DIGESTIVE INTELLIGENCE tells the fascinating story of how our digestive systems are the centre of our bodies' second brain and how we think and live our emotions via our stomachs. Not impossible when you consider there is something equivalent to the size of a football pitch hiding inside our bellies – that's the incredible magnitude of our digestive systems.
Most of us would agree that we have little understanding of how to naturally operate and maintain the marvel of nature that is the human body. The fundamental physical and physiological actions of the body in everyday life such as: breathing, bending, stretching, sitting, standing, walking and running are not taught - they just happen naturally.
SEVEN PEPPERCORNS covers the vast scope of traditional Thai medicine practices including: Thai element theory, physical therapies, medical Buddhism, herbal medicine for massage, divinatory practices and spirit medicine; all held within the context of a Thai bodyworker's instructional manual.
Whether a practitioner is beginning to study massage for people affected by cancer or is deepening their practice, learning occurs through a number of directions - self-study, guided clinical lessons with an experienced teacher, supervised hands-on practice with clients, mentoring and peer support via group interactions.
Now you can awaken the crystal healer within you and perform a crystal alignment for yourself and others. This CD offers you an avenue for gentle self-reflection via deeper understanding of colour, chakras, thought forms and vibrations. You will become aware of what may need to be cleared to allow a beautiful flow of energy to raise your consciousness.
Are you ready to release old patterns? Do you notice you keep having the same type of relationship issues over and over again? Are your 'buttons' easily pushed by friends, family members or even strangers?
MIND BODY DIABETES TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 is a positively refreshing and unique information, support and practical resource book to emotionally and physically 'stop diabetes now'. Written with extensive experience of type one diabetes and top professional expertise in mind body medicine, this book provides a very new and exciting way of thinking about diabetes as well as containing ground breaking ...
Experience the natural flow of movement, the quietening of your mind and a deepening into your essential being through the art of Zen cycling.
The bicycle is not just a vehicle used to transport ourselves, to exercise one's body or to obtain joy. It's a device which allows us to attain a much wealthier mental state than one would think possible.
You will learn how to work with your Angels to heal yourself and unblock energy blocks. Using the healing power of sound vibration and combining this with powerful visualisation techniques you will discover how to cut energy cords and free yourself from unwanted energy connections and ties.
We are not our pain or our disease nor are we defined by our limitations, restrictions or the labels given to us. We are a whole body, a consciousness and a spiritual being. As a holistic, interconnected being, our emotions, beliefs, physical pain, past traumas and even imbalances created through spiritual issues are held within our physical form.
Chakras are spinning wheels of energy in your body's aura. When they are balanced and in harmony, you feel full of vitality and in peak condition. But when they become unbalanced, hampering the free flow of body energy, you quickly become tired and `out of sorts' In Chakra Workbook, leading expert Pauline Wills introduces the chakras as part of the ancient Indian healing system and yoga philosophy
Since 1972, Dolores Krieger has taught Therapeutic Touch to thousands of health professionals around the world. In Accepting Your Power to Heal, she now shows all of ushow to master this powerful energetic healing practice.