Thirteen spoken meditations, based on the mystical poetry of Paramhansa Yogananda. Use this guided program to evoke and expand deep awareness states. With classical musical background.
For more than eight centuries, Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi Rumi - commonly referred to simply as Rumi - has enchanted and enthralled readers from every faith and background with his universal themes of love, friendship and spirituality, which he seamlessly wove into resplendent poetry.
Each card in this lavish deck portrays a different angel for guidance, protection, help, and healing. Intended for inspiration and affirmation, the cards work with the user's thoughts and decisions to raise levels of consciousness and open up psychic and spiritual gifts.
This book serves as an entry point into all things candles, from homemaking and decorating to setting your intention and harnessing the power of aromatherapy. Find out how to use candles for creating your space and why lighting affects your psychological mood. Experience candles in a new, expansive light in this all-encompassing little book.
Uncover the mysteries of the tarot with this quick and convenient guide from tarot expert Liz Dean. The tarot is a secret system of symbols that has been used for almost 600 years, and is becoming increasingly popular today as people look for meaning and reassurance in our ever-changing and chaotic world.
The definitive guide to the philosophy and practice of Yoga--the ancient healing discipline for body and mind--by its greatest living teacher. Light on Yoga provides complete descriptions and illustrations of all the positions and breathing exercises. Features a foreword by Yehudi Menuhin. Illustrations throughout.
We always have a choice in how we react to the circumstances of our lives. We can let them harden us and make us increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us and allow our inherent human kindness to shine through.