Blood and chi often flow side by side throughout the body, the blood acting as the vehicle for our vital energy. Areas of slow or congested circulation lead to blockages in the flow of vital energy and toxin accumulation in the body.
In this practical scientific guide, leading researcher in cancer, heart disease and diabetes prevention, Kedar N. Prasad, reveals the latest revolutionary discoveries on the use of antioxidants to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease.
From aspirin and ibuprofen to antihistamines and cortisone, anti-inflammatory drugs are now the top-selling drugs in the world. But daily use of these powerful drugs comes with a price: side effects, many of which can lead to other chronic conditions and the further use of medication.
Drawing on his more than 40 years of in-depth study of the Bhagavad Gita under the tutelage of his guru, Nitya Chaitanya Yati, author Scott Teitsworth explores the scientific approach to self-transformation and spiritual enlightenment encoded within Krishna's advice to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita.
Taking the law of attraction to an entirely new level, Pierre Franckh reveals how human DNA has a direct effect on the physical world around us - an effect we can consciously focus to manifest our desires.
· Details the process of oil pulling, including when to do it, how long to swish the oil in your mouth, and other oral care techniques that complement it
· Explains the health benefits of 10 different cold-pressed oils, including sesame, coconut, and pumpkin seed, allowing you to choose the best oil for your needs
· Includes a step-by-step 7-day detox plan and information on additional detox ...
For millennia the world was seen as a creative, interconnected web of life, constantly growing, developing and restoring itself. But with the arrival of the Scientific Revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries, the world was viewed as a lifeless, clock like mechanism, bound by the laws of classical physics.
Offering a modern translation of “The Legends of the Eighty-four Mahasiddhas,” a 12th-century Tibetan text, translator Keith Dowman shares stories of the spiritual adventurers, rebellious saints and enlightened tantric masters of ancient India known as “siddhas.” He shows how the mahasiddhas arose from the grassroots of society and represented an entire spectrum of human experience.
Psilocybin, the active ingredient found in psychedelic mushrooms, is an invaluable natural resource for spiritually revivifying the human psyche and reconnecting us to the biosphere and the vast intelligence of Nature.
Each and every one of us has shamanic powers. Glimpses of them can arise at any age in the form of intuitive dreams, deja vu, spontaneous visions, and out-of-body experiences. Most people dismiss these experiences. However, by embracing these gifts, we can unlock our shamanic potential to change ourselves and the world around us.
In this extensive study of the Christian mythology that animated Europe in the Middle Ages, author, Philippe Walter, reveals how these stories and the holiday traditions connected with them are based on long-standing pagan rituals and myths and have very little connection to the Bible.
Over the course of his 25-year career as an anaesthetist and intensive care doctor, Jean Jacques Charbonier gathered hundreds of accounts of patients who returned from being clinically dead. With all of these accounts - from patients with vastly different backgrounds - Dr. Charbonier found striking similarities as well as indisputable proof that these experiences were more than hallucinations.
Shamanic healing is making an astonishing comeback all over the modern technology-driven and consumerist world. Millions of people have felt called to integrate both ancient and modern healing systems into a new model of healthcare. But what makes shamanic healing so powerful? Why have indigenous healers kept it alive for thousands of years?
In the search for inner awakening and self-realisation, a spiritual mentor can be key to advancement. Yet the process of finding an authentic spiritual teacher who resonates with you can be daunting, especially for anyone who has had a negative experience with a guide.
Despite early recognition of his own psychic sensitivities and ability to see spirits, Von Braschler did not seek to become a ghost hunter. He entered on this path through a chance encounter with a professional ghost hunter.
Called “the scientists of Hinduism,” the rishis of ancient India were the scribes of the Vedas. They developed the spiritual science of Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma, as their way of ensuring the constant renewal and progress of India's spiritual tradition and culture. Sanatana Dharma permeates every aspect of Hindu culture, from religion to the arts to the sciences.
In the pre-Christian societies of Northern Europe, magic was embedded in the practical skills of everyday life. Everything in Nature was imbued with an inner spirit, as was anything made by hand. People believed in magic because it worked and because it was part of the functionality of their day-to-day lives.
In this study of ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian and Hebrew myths, authors, Lloyd M. Dickie and Paul R. Boudreau, show that many classic myths contain instructions for awakening higher consciousness, allowing access to enlivened experience of the world and awareness of the divine within and around us.
Inspired by the work of R. A.
· A curated collection of interviews with 15 accomplished scientists, artists, and thinkers, including Albert Hofmann, Stanislav Grof, Rick Strassman, and Charles Tart
· Explores their profound reflections on the intersections between psychedelics and a wide range of topics, including psychology, creativity, music, the near-death experience, DNA, and the future of psychedelic drug medical ...
Our pagan ancestors knew that every forest has brownies and fairies, every spring its lady and every river malevolent beings in its depths. They told tales of giants in the hills, dragons in the lakes, marshes swarming with will-o'-the-wisps and demons and wild folk in the mountains who enjoyed causing landslides, avalanches and floods.