These CDs are perfect for listening to while travelling by car, train or airplane or just for relaxation at home. Diana's gentle, loving voice will bring the Angels right there into the listeners reality.
The first CD includes:
· Learning about Angels, Angel stories and how they can help us in
our daily lives.
· How Angels can heal and lighten up our lives.
With most of us truth can become a very complex issue. Our definition of what is truth or what is true shifts like sands in the desert each day new ripples of truth appear and sometimes personal truths can grow into large sand dunes. However dunes unlike mountains can change shape move or disappear overnight literally blown away by the winds of change.
A combination of therapy and expertise in literature, this book explains the six archetypes derived from 4,000 years of literature and how they may guide unhappy people seeking meaning in their lives. Holding up the great books as the best way to understand these timeless story elements, the discussion devotes a chapter to each of the six archetypes: ...
"I believe in angels" is the title of a well-known song - but do we really? This book introduces people who have experienced angels in their lives. It shows angels as highly evolved beings that have a lighter and faster vibration than humans, and are normally invisible to us. However, many of them have chosen to serve humankind and can provide help, support, healing and guidance.
Cunningham presents a comprehensive wellness programme that includes a 21-day yoga programme using dynamic affirmations, relaxation techniques, nutrition and lifestyle suggestions, aerobic activities and journal writing.
Based on firsthand practical experiences of communicating with natural spirits through meditation, this eye-opening guide to healing the earth teaches how to work with elemental beings by describing each in detail while defining their roles within the web of life.
“You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince” - at least that's what people say.
But what if the princess never kissed that frog? What if Walt Disney Studios invented that whole episode? Have you been trying to run your romantic life by depending on inaccurate information? What if the original story says something completely different?
THE HEART'S NOTE shares powerful insights into the knowledge of the heart as the seat of the soul and how a practical daily application of loving can create answers to the myriad problems we find ourselves facing at this time of vast planetary change, whether this be as a result of economic hardship, climate change, our relationships, our health or our career.
HEALING WITH SOURCE is the ultimate guide to understanding, preventing and healing pains and illness at their causal root. Accessible to the novice and the quantum physicist alike, anyone can apply the concepts in this book immediately. Healing needn't be expensive, time consuming and arduous any longer, HEALING WITH SOURCE is the future of health care, now.
This magnificent journey will help you to:
- connect with Archangel Gabriel
- dissolve all your worries
- rekindle hope
- find the clarity to manifest a wonderful future
- listen to Archangel Gabriel's wisdom
Music by Andrew Brel
9 tracks, 50 minutes
In this powerful meditation you will:
- connect with Archangel Michael
- find your power and inner strength
- release your burdens
- be freed from emotional ties
- enhance your leadership qualities
Simply listen to it or use it as a workshop guide either by yourself or as a part of a group.
Music by Andrew Brel.
15 tracks, 44 minutes approx.
In this wonderful meditation, you will:
- connect with Archangel Uriel
- release your fears
- reconnect with your deepest wisdom
- find inner peace
- open up to new beginnings
Music by Andrew Brel
12 tracks, 52 minutes
In this life changing meditation, you will:
- connect with Archangel Raphael
- be attuned to abundance
- clear and open your third eye
- allow your ancient wisdom to return
- receive heart healing qualities from Mary, Queen of Angels
Music by Andrew Brel
11 tracks, 45 minutes approx.
In this beautiful meditation, you will:
- connect with your guardian angel and discover his/her name
- communicate with your angel
- talk to someone else's guardian angel
- meet the angel of your home
- expand your divine self
Music by Andrew Brel
11 tracks, 50 minutes
In the Golden Age of Atlantis, the people all had 12 operational chakras and 12 strands of DNA. It is time now for these to be re-instated. Diana Cooper explains the purpose of each one, how they operate and how to keep them open.
Then she takes you into two life changing meditations to: ...
Let the Angels Take You
- to the Seventh Heaven
- through the Portals of Abundance
To the Seventh Heaven
This meditation takes you through an extraordinary Lemurian initiation, called the Codes of Power, which prepares you for entry to the seventh dimension. When you enter the glorious seventh heaven, you will connect with angels, Archangels, angel dolphins and the pure white unicorns.
Magnificent unicorns are visiting Earth now to return hope and dignity to humanity. These luminous creatures are part of the angelic hierarchy. Their horns are radiations of pure light, which can enlighten, inspire or heal.
On this CD, Diana Cooper explains where unicorns come from, who they are and how they can help you.
She leads you through two magical and inspiring meditations.
Let Angels set you free!
Diana Cooper explains how chains and karmic restrictions from past lives can affect you and hold you back, and the positive influence on your health, happiness, relationships and spiritual growth when you release them. She gives you examples of people who have been helped by cutting the cords of the past.
Synchronicity has often been explained away as pure chance, coincidence and luck. And yet for millions of people over the centuries these seemingly random events have been greeted as meaningful and people have chosen to act upon the intuitions that they had about these events. C.G.
'I found myself travelling back to the UK from Egypt in a wheelchair. What I had been through was so extreme, so overwhelming emotionally, psychologically and spiritually, that my body had gone into shock.'
This is just one of the many traumatic experiences explored in this resource.