In this profound book, based on a popular audio program, Dr. David Hawkins gives a primer on his world-famous map of consciousness that will help the reader embark on their own journey to an advanced state of consciousness.
This is a revolutionary book that explains in simple and direct language the basic principles and uses of the Human Design astrological system.
The system, created in the mid-20th century by the late spiritual teacher, Ra Uru Hu, is an astonishingly accurate personality guide that helps you understand your unique personality type.
Beautiful, tactile, and easily available, crystals are natural tools for bringing health, wealth, love, success and spiritual harmony into your life. This handy illustrated guide introduces 101 crystals, arranged in 12 sections by colour, for easy identification. Discover each crystal's healing qualities, star sign, chakra point and how to work with it to reap its benefits.
What if the most serious personal and global challenges won't be solved with more thinking or talking?The world is louder than ever. It's not just the noise in our ears, but also the noise on our screens and in our heads. 'Silence is golden,' the adage goes.
Memory is far more than a record of the past. In this groundbreaking tour of the mind and brain, one of the world's top memory researchers reveals the powerful role memory plays in nearly every aspect of our lives, from recalling faces and names, to learning, decision-making, trauma and healing.
In this audio edition of You Can Be Happy No Matter What, Dr. Carlson reveals a profound breakthrough in human psychology. He shows that happiness has nothing to do with forces beyond our control, and, in fact, our natural state is contentment. With this simple and practical guide, Dr. Carlson shows us how to be happy now, before we solve our problems.
Summarising his core teachings, this Dharma talk, given by Thich Nhat Hanh to the residents at a correctional institution, shows how mindfulness practice cultivates freedom no matter where you are. Included is a description of how Thich Nhat Hanh's visit influenced those that attended.
Dispenza uses cutting-edge research to show how individuals can consciously rewire their brains in order to break their emotional patterns and reach their full potential.
Discover the 13 powerful principles behind every great success story The timeless bestseller setting out Hills's formula for money-making successNapoleon Hill, America's most beloved motivational author, devoted 25 years to finding out how the wealthy became that way.