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Welbeck Publishing UK

Welbeck Publishing Group is an exciting, fast-growing independent publisher based in London, dedicated to publishing only the very best and most commercial books spanning a number of genres and categories, from leading authors and well-known brands to debut talent. We live for books that entertain, excite and enhance the lives of readers around the world.

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Complete Arthurian Tarot

Journey into Arthur's kingdom through the 22 Greater Powers of the Arthurian realm, together with the 56 Lesser Powers depicting the landscapes of Logres, the ancient Arthurian kingdom that lies outside of time.
€16.20 excl tax

Witches' Oracle - New Edition

Develop your hidden intuitive skills and discover Wiccan wisdom with this beautifully illustrated divinatory deck and guidebook pack. Featuring key Wiccan symbols and archetypes, the cards help you connect to a place of deep inner knowledge to find the answers you seek.
€12.60 excl tax


Reflecting on nature's unknowable and mysterious qualities, GROUNDED explores how we can therapeutically benefit from a deeper connection with nature, finding within it balance, stillness, solitude, resilience, contentment, activity, fearlessness - and our own wild voice.
€12.20 excl tax

Chi Health Cycle

Chi is believed to be the vital force forming any living entity and it is the central underlying principle of TCM. It is the energy that your organs use to repair and heal. TCM works with the 24-hour flow of chi through your body. Every 24 hours chi spends two hours in each of the twelve organs.
€10.80 excl tax


The Chinese character for Rén combines the word for 'person' and the number 'two' , representing human connection. And in the teachings of ancient philosopher Confucius, Rén is the study of our relationship with those around us.
€9.40 excl tax

Elemental Tarot

Many suggest that the tarot evolved from an ancient book containing the prototype of a perfect spiritual journey. Others see it as an extension of astrology and celestial interpretations. And some view it as merely a game with uncanny relevance to life and life events. THE ELEMENTAL TAROT is the perfect distillation of all these.
€14.40 excl tax

The Druidcraft Tarot

At a time when we seek closer connection with the natural world, THE DRUIDCRAFT TAROT invites us to celebrate the earth and the rhythm of her seasons. This beautiful deck combines the two fundamental spiritualities of Nature - Wicca and Druidry - and re ects the explosion of interest in the Western magical tradition and paganism.
€17.00 excl tax

Kabbalah - The Tree Of Life Oracle Reissue

The Tree of Life is a sacred symbol in many cultures of the world, but here it is used as a path to knowledge linking the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet with the 22 'paths' of the Tree of Life and the astrological houses. The Oracle you are now holding is based on an ancient Kabbalistic map of creation that dates back at least 1,000 years in the Jewish mystery tradition.
€15.00 excl tax

The Druid Animal Oracle Deck: Working with the Sacred Animals of the Druid Tradition

The Druids revered animals as sacred guides, guardians, and protectors. This beautifully illustrated deck and accompanying booklet draws from the wellspring of ancient Celtic tradition, bringing healing and offering intuitive knowledge. From the interpretations of the card spreads and the lore given, one will gain powerful insights and receive positive guidance for the future.
€9.00 excl tax

The Druid Animal Oracle

THE DRUID ANIMAL ORACLE is a powerful tool for selfdevelopment. This beautifully illustrated deck draws wisdom from the wellspring of ancient Celtic tradition, and from it you can receive healing, strength and guidance for your own life journey.
€16.40 excl tax

White Eagle Medicine Wheel

Native American wisdom as a way of life. This unique introduction to Native American sacred teachings offers a powerful resource for problem-solving on all fronts, whether at home, at work or in relationships.
€16.40 excl tax

Druid Craft Tarot Deck : Celebrate the Earth

At a time when we seek closer connection with the natural world, The Druid Craft Tarot Deck invites us to celebrate the earth and the rhythm of her seasons.
€10.80 excl tax

Complete arthurian tarot

This 25th anniversary collector’s edition features the classic Arthurian Tarot deck together with a completely revised and updated workbook. Journey into Arthur’s kingdom through the twenty-two Greater Powers of the Arthurian realm, along with the fifty-six Lesser Powers depicting the landscapes of Logres, the ancient Arthurian kingdom that lies outside of time.
€13.50 excl tax

Wild magic - the wildwood tarot workbook

Invoke the power of the Wildwood, of the Green Man and the Green Woman, and of the living archetypes of the forest such as Robin-in-the-Hood, with this new companion to the bestselling Wildwood Tarot.
€9.40 excl tax

Chakra workbook - rebalance your bodys vital energies

Chakras are spinning wheels of energy in your body's aura. When they are balanced and in harmony, you feel full of vitality and in peak condition. But when they become unbalanced, hampering the free flow of body energy, you quickly become tired and `out of sorts' In Chakra Workbook, leading expert Pauline Wills introduces the chakras as part of the ancient Indian healing system and yoga philosophy
€9.40 excl tax

The Angel Oracle

The 36 beautifully illustrated angel cards--one for each of the angels in the heavenly realm--offer clarity of thought, knowledge, and insight to help you with everyday problems as well as the major challenges of life. The book includes a full commentary for each card along with clear advice on interpreting the meanings and choosing the card spread most suited to your situation.
€14.40 excl tax

Healing Crystals for Women

Temper tantrums, teenage tiredness, infertility, anxiety during pregnancy, hot flushes … Each new milestone in life brings its own challenges – and crystals can offer a helping hand to see us through.
€10.10 excl tax