In a time when people feel overwhelmed by global problems Sandra Ingerman shares with us spiritual practices we can all engage in that have the power to create positive change.
"If you want to know about mysticism, this is the place to look." --Marianne Williamson
"Mysticism is the art of the arts. It is the most romantic of all adventures." --Evelyn Underhill
“What is more interesting than listening to the mystic’s description of their experiences? The answer, no doubt, is having such experiences yourself.
This lovely, full-color guide to tarot provides everything you need to know to read tarot—whether it’s a traditional reading, or a reading for self-reflection or self-discovery.
Not long ago, getting your cards read would have conjured images of a mystic shrouded in scarves with a crystal ball, waving her hands over a spread of cards.
Self-care is an important daily ritual to everyone's lifestyle. But it is about more than simply pampering yourself in a bubble bath or getting a manicure. It's about connecting and understanding your true self. That's where the magic of tarot comes in—it puts you in touch with your hidden fears and secret hopes, weaknesses and strengths.
Most of us view a detox as a physical experience, but what we don't realize is that it's not just our physical bodies that need to be cleansed in order to return to a healthy state. When we're unable to process our stress and worries, they can become toxic to ourselves and those around us. Wellness expert and author of Emotional Detox, Sherianna Boyle modifies the revolutionary C.L.E.A.N.S.E metho
Vulnerability is life’s great teacher and the key to unlocking your own wandering heart. Your journey into clarity and truth starts here. With guidance from this enchanting new divination deck, it is your turn to step out of your comfort zone and into yourself.
Upbeat, humorous, and iconoclastic, Lynn Grabhorn introduced readers to the Law of Attraction in 2000 with "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting," The hardcover edition was an immediate hit, sold more ...