Matthieu Ricard trained as a molecular biologist, working in the lab of a Nobel prize—winning scientist, but when he read some Buddhist philosophy, he became drawn to Buddhism. Eventually he left his life in science to study with Tibetan teachers, and he is now a Buddhist monk and translator for the Dalai Lama, living in the Shechen monastery near Kathmandu in Nepal.
This book is a clarion call for an expanded vision of human possibilities. In it, many of the best thinkers of our day ask us to renew the perennial search for self-knowledge and to discover the deeper meaning of our lives.
For this, they offer the transpersonal perspective -- which extends beyond consciousness in its myriad forms, including altered states, yoga, dreams, and contemplation.
After the Jedi Order falls, Padawan Iskat Akaris faces tragedy as her master is killed during the Clone Wars. Struggling with doubt and seeking freedom, she questions her past and the Jedi's teachings. Embracing her new identity as an Inquisitor after Order 66, Iskat wields her red blade, pursuing her destiny in the Force at any cost.
While the raw food diet is the fastest growing alternative approach to eating because of its health benefits, preparing raw food dishes is so new that many people dont know where to start
Many people know that we should eat more greens, but rarely do any of us truly enjoy our kale or wheatgrass. For the first time in history a remarkably enjoyable way of consuming the necessary amount of greens has been created by blending the greens with fruit.
Opening with vivid descriptions of the author's personal experiences with psychedelic drugs, the book describes the parallels that exist among shamanic states of consciousness, the use of psychedelic catalysts, and the hidden structure of the human psyche
Renowned as a peerless teacher, practitioner, and scholar, Longchenpa thoroughly studied and mastered every one of the many Buddhist vehicles and lineages of teachings existing in Tibet at his time.
Provides tools for understanding the spiritual nature of crystals and stones and how certain minerals can faciliate human development and transformation.
Classic Italian dishes, minus the meat and dairy. from the author of the "Mediterranean Vegan Kitchen". It is original in content in that none of the ingredients use substitutions such as tofu - all the recipes use completely natural ingredients.
An explanation of the Indian Mahasiddha Tilopa's renowned Gangama Mahamudra meditation instructions, given in a traditional Tibetan context by one of its lineage's most accomplished contemporary masters. These ancient instructions, in the form of a "song of realization," are the original source for all Mahamudra lineages of meditation.