In Thich Nhat Hanh’s latest teachings on applied Buddhism for both the work place and daily life, chapters include dealing with workplace scenarios; dealing with home and family; encounters with strangers and with daily life; transportation; and creating communities wherever you are.
Learn simple yoga techniques--poses, meditations, and breathwork--to sleep better and longer, from master yoga teacher trainer and author, Mark Stephens.
How to live your life genuinely, honestly, and happily in the face of the inevitable difficulties that arise - more wonderfully accessible Zen teachings for living from the author of Being …
Simple daily practices to help readers discover the happiness and freedom of living in the present moment--from the renowned Buddhist monk and bestselling author.
In this book Thich Nhat Hanh, the renowned Zen monk, author, and meditation master, distills the essence of Buddhist thought and practice, emphasizing the power of mindfulness to transform our lives.
A treasury of short selections from the bestselling books of the beloved Tibetan Buddhist nun. Topics include opening the heart; becoming fearless; breaking free of destructive patterns; developing ...
Think and Grow Rich has been called the Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature. It was the first book to boldly ask, What makes a winner? The man who asked and listened for the answer, Napoleon Hill, is now counted in the top ranks of the world's winners himself.
The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success
Instead of yesterday's view of maturity as a period of stagnation and decline, the authors propose a new vision that sees the latter part of life as truly exciting and a time of growth, productivity and new found pleasure.