Acupuncture and the chakra energy system have both become increasingly mainstream in the West, but rarely have the two approaches been joined into one practice. Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System: Treating the Cause of Disease does just that.
Tibetan medicine is a rarified field with few publications in English; it is also one of the most comprehensive of alternative therapies, addressing body, mind, and spirit.
Dr. Malerba interweaves case histories from his own practice with the latest research in the fields of alternative and traditional Western medicine to address such questions as: ...
Opening with vivid descriptions of the author's personal experiences with psychedelic drugs, the book describes the parallels that exist among shamanic states of consciousness, the use of psychedelic catalysts, and the hidden structure of the human psyche
Use the music you love to become more efficient, relaxed, healthy, and happy.
At this very moment, you are surrounded by sound. Pause for a minute and try to listen to it all: the chatter of a passing conversation, the gentle whoosh of air vents, noise from a nearby street.
With the clarity of a physicist and the compassion of a gifted healer with more than twenty years of professional experience observing 5,000 clients and students, Barbara Ann Brennan presents the first in-depth study of the human energy field for people who seek happiness and health, and who wish to achieve their full potential.
In a unique approach that encourages a cooperative effort among healer, patient, and other health-care providers, Light Emerging explains what the healer perceives visually, audibly, and kinesthetically and how each of us can participate in every stage of the healing process.
American Indian Healing Arts is a magical blend of plant lore, history, and living tradition that draws on a lifetime of study with native healers by herbalist and ethnobotanist E. Barrie Kavasch.
The definitive book of yoga therapy, this groundbreaking work comes to you from the medical editor of the country’s premier yoga magazine, who is both a practicing yogi and a Western-trained physician. Beginning with an overview of the history and science of yoga,
Has your child lived before? In this fascinating, controversial, and groundbreaking book, Carol Bowman reveals overwhelming evidence of past life memories in children. Not only are such experiences real, they are far more common than most people realize.
The key to optimal health and well-being is within us, in powerful energy centres called chakras. Ancient cultures understood the sacred healing power of chakras and that self-care aligned with nature. In CHAKRAS & SELF-CARE, you'll engage in a series of meditative exercises that activate and balance each of your seven main chakras.
Believed to hold restorative powers over our health, crystals have served humanity for millennia. With CRYSTAL HEALING FOR WOMEN, you can unlock the ancient secrets of healing and wisdom held within these stones. Crystal healer and Reiki Master, Mariah K.
The definitive resource for the holistic art of essential oils. Essential oils are powerful, safe, and toxin-free tools for healing the body, mind, and spirit that have been around for centuries. Now, offering specific, easy-to-follow recipes to prevent illness, reduce stress, enhance physical and mental health, boost energy, and even revitalize appearance, The Essential Guide to Essential Oils ...
Cyndi Dale's New Chakra Healing established a new standard for healers, intuitives, and energy workers worldwide. It expanded the seven-chakra system to thirty-two, including twenty spiritual points serving as catalysts for dynamic change.
Humanity is entering a new era?we are evolving into super-powered beings of light. Our auric energy bodies are experiencing a transformational shift as new crystalline structures form within and around our auras.